
This book reflects a significant part of our collective experience in working with OpenGL applications for the past 13 years. While the book couldn’t possibly cover everything known about using OpenGL, we are pleased to provide this useful subset. Of course, we didn’t figure it out all on our own; we are indebted to the many people that helped us one way or the other: either by providing ideas, correcting misconceptions, prototyping early algorithms, teasing us about taking so long to complete the book, or providing the occasional encouraging word. Many people contributed to this effort: any omissions from the list below are inadvertent.

The following people contributed directly to the original 1996–2000 SIGGRAPH course notes that were the genesis for this book: Celeste Fowler, Brad Grantham, Mark Kilgard, Scott Nelson, Simon Hui, and Paula Womack.

We had invaluable production help with the course notes over the years from Dany Galgani (illustrations), Linda Rae Sande (production editing), Bob Brown, and Chris Everett.

Bowen ‘Cheetah’ Goletz helped with the logistics of sharing the source material over the internet. We are also indebted to those who have made tools such as TeX/LaTeX, GhostScript/Ghostview, and cvs freely available on the three different computing platforms that we used for preparing the original course notes.

The original notes benefited from the patient attention of an army of reviewers. They include Dave Shreiner, Paul Strauss, David Yu, Hansong Zhang, Sharon Clay, Robert Grzeszczuk, Phil Lacroute, Mark Peercy, Lena Petrovic, Allan Schaffer, Mark Stadler, John Airey, Allen Akin, Brian Cabral, Tom Davis, Bob Drebin, Ben Garlick, Michael Gold, Paul Haeberli, Michael Jones, Phil Keslin, Erik Lindholm, Mark Young, and Mark Segal.

This book would not exist without the wealth of experience, cool ideas, tricks, hacks, and wisdom generously provided to us. It is hard to acknowledge everyone properly. Here is our attempt to do so: Kurt Akeley, Brian Cabral, Amy Gooch, Wolfgang Heidrich, Detlev Stalling, Hansong Zhang, Luis Barcena, Angus Dorbie, Bob Drebin, Mark Peercy, Nacho Sanz-Pastor Revorio, Chris Tanner, David Yu, John Airey, Remi Arnaud, Greg Ward, Phil Lacroute, and Peter-Pike Sloan. We would also like to acknowledge Atul Narkhede, Rob Wheeler, Nate Robbins, and Chris McCue for coding prototype algorithms.

A number of people helped refine the raw material from the course notes into this manuscript and have earned our gratitude: Ben Luna, Jeff Somers, Brandy Lilly, and Jessica Meehan in particular. We are also greatly indebted to our reviewers: Ian Ashdown, Dave Shreiner, Noah Gibbs, Brian Paul, and Clay Budin.

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