Appendix A. Resources

IT MIGHT SEEM ODD AT FIRST to have an appendix with a section called “Books on Social Change,” but if you have read some of this book, you’ve already seen how social transformation has changed the music business and in turn, the making of music videos.

The appendix also lists resources related to Logic. This is because my most recent experience is with Logic, but in no way does this infer that Logic must be your workstation of choice. Almost any digital audio workstation (DAW) available on the market today will provide you with the digital tools you need for music video creation.

I sincerely hope that some of the resources listed here will be of value to you.

Short List of Relevant Course PTR Books

I’ve compiled a short list of a few Course PTR books that go into more depth on some of the topics discussed in this book, including music, audio, film, video, plug-ins, and more.

  • Audio Post-Production in Your Project Studio by Casey Kim (ISBN-10: 1598634194, 2008)

  • Myspace for Musicians by Fran Vincent (ISBN-10: 1435454197; 2011)

  • Logic Pro 8 Power! by Orren Merton/Kevin Anker (ISBN-10: 1598633694; 2009)

  • Going Pro with Logic Pro 8 by Jay Asher (ISBN-10: 1598635611; 2009)

  • Apple Final Cut Pro 6 by Lisa Rysinger (ISBN-10: 1401877915; 2009)

Books on Traditional Marketing

These are great books on marketing and easy reads as well. The Tipping Point, while not technically a marketing book, lends a lot to the general understanding of marketing.

  • The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries and Jack Trout (ISBN-10: 0887306667; 1994)

  • The 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding by Al Ries and Laura Ries (ISBN-10: 0060196211; 2000)

  • The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell (ISBN-10: 0316346624; 2002)

Books on Social Change

Alvin Toffler and Marshall McLuhan wrote the first editions of their books a long time ago, yet the principles they put forth are still as valid today as they were then.

  • Future Shock by Alvin Toffler (ISBN-10: 0553277375; 1984)

  • The Third Wave by Alvin Toffler (ISBN-10: 0553246984; 1984)

  • Understanding Media by Marshall McLuhan (ISBN-10: 0262631598; 1994)

  • The Global Village by Marshall McLuhan (ISBN-10: 0195079108; 1992)

Music—Educational and Informational

Course PTR has many books covering music technology, film, and video, all of which can be found on its website. Artist House Music has many educational videos in addition to its articles. The last two gentlemen in this section are experts on songwriting and the music business, respectively.

Websites that Host Video

Some of these are general sites that also host video (such as YouTube), whereas others are more video-specific.

Social Networking Websites

There are too many social networking websites to mention (and new ones are popping up all the time), so I’ll keep the focus on the ones I mentioned in this book.

Manufacturers Websites

A comprehensive list would be very long, but the two that I put at the top of the list are Apple (for QuickTime, Final Cut, Logic, iTunes, iMovie, and so on) and Sorenson because of its quality codecs.

Film and Television Business Websites

IMDb stands for Internet Movie Database (and is actually owned by Amazon). Everyone associated with every film or television show can be found there. Actors Access and LA Casting are sites that can help you find talent for your music video.

Websites About Websites

Alexa can give you the stats on any website you enter. (Try entering the name of your own website.) Search Engine Watch can teach you a lot about SEO and SEM (including what those acronyms stand for).

Website of the Greatest Music Instrument Catalog on Earth

Need I say more?

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