About the Author

ROBERT SAFIR began his career in the pro music biz at the tender age of 17, placing original songs with Top 40 artists The Standells and getting his own record deals as an artist, first with GNP Crescendo, and later, with ABC Records. Later, Robert founded Track Record Studios in Los Angeles, where he engineered or produced for The Association, Canned Heat, Brian Wilson, Chad Stuart, Lauren Wood, and others.

Robert became fascinated with film and learned all aspects of it, from camera to final edit. The combination of music with all forms of media has been the focus of his career, which has included the production of audio, film, video, and multimedia. He has always had a marketing bent, and has been a marketing communications manager or director at companies such as E-mu Systems, Digidesign, Microsoft, and Cisco Systems.

Robert is active in the music industry in a variety of ways. As an author, Robert has been staff writer for Keyboard Magazine, as well as writing articles for other industry pubs such as Mix magazine, Songwriter, Cue, and The Hollywood Reporter. He has also penned articles for The Score, a publication the Society of Composers and Lyricists (SCL), a highly respected organization. As a panelist, he has presented at The Computer Game Developer’s Conference, AES (Audio Engineering Society), Mix ‘99, and California Lawyers for the Arts.

In addition to his film scores, some of Robert’s recent works have aired on ABC Television, The Discovery Channel, E! Entertainment, The Biography Channel, BET, The Learning Channel, Spike TV, and others.


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