Part I. Creating Your Music

So, how do you approach the topic of making a music video and posting it on the Internet? If you think about it, there are really three main components of this endeavor: the music, the video, and the Internet.

Although they can be thought of independently, and in fact, in many circumstances they are completely independent of each other, you will find that the interrelatedness of these three pieces is the key to making a good music video and posting it on the Internet. As such, the book is organized into three easy pieces: The Music, The Video, and The Internet.

Let’s start with the first piece—the music. No matter what kind of music video you plan to make, you should first ensure that the music is strong enough to stand on its own. Although you wouldn’t expect to have a compelling experience by watching a video with the audio turned off, you would expect that listening to the music without seeing the video would result in a satisfying experience. As a matter of fact, there are certainly times when people have music videos playing on the television in the background while they do something else, unable to see the television screen at all. If it were your music video playing, wouldn’t you want it to be a pleasant experience for the listener, in and of itself?

So before you go too far down the road on your particular project, focus on the key piece—the numero uno consideration—the pièce de résistance—the music.

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