
1. Peter Block, “Leading Is Convening,” Perdido 15, no. 2 (2008).

2. Facilitation definition from Encarta,

Chapter 1. At the Heart of the Matter

1. Minx Boren, poem ©2009; written expressly for this book. From the heart, mind, and pen of Minx Boren, author of Feeling My Way—99 Poetic Journeys (Palm Beach Gardens, FL: Coach Minx Inc., 2008). This and other works by Minx Boren can be found at

2. Terry Chapman, “Forging the Inner Heart”; written while engaged in the Art of Convening course, expressly as a contribution to this book,

3. Michael Bush, CEO, Whalen Co.; extemporaneous remark at the November 1999 Thought Leader Gathering, Menlo Park, CA.

4. Thanks to Terry Chapman.

5. Adapted from HeartMath, LLC, Heart Empowerment Workshop.

6. Thanks to Terry Chapman. Abraham Heschel quote from The Sabbath (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005), 17.

Chapter 2. Clarifying Intent

1. Thomas J. Hurley, “Archetypal Practices for Collective Wisdom,” Collective Wisdom Initiative (2004), (accessed May 13, 2010).

2. Pele Rouge Chadima, “Nurturing the Emergence of Collective Wisdom,” Collective Wisdom Initiative, (accessed May 13, 2010).

3. Minx Boren, poem ©2009. From the heart, mind, and pen of Minx Boren, author of Feeling My Way—99 Poetic Journeys (Palm Beach Gardens, FL: Coach Minx Inc., 2008). This and other works by Minx Boren can be found at

4. Eric Babinet,; story written expressly as a contribution to this book.

Chapter 3. The Invitation

1. Diarmuid O’Murchu, Quantum Theology: Spiritual Implications of the New Physics (New York: Crossroad Publishing Co., 2004).

2. Peter Block, Community: The Structure of Belonging (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009), 113.

3. “Inviting Full Presence” is a composite of stories from the field, gleaned from reports by Art of Convening participants. Names of people and organizations have been changed, but the important points of the story are true.

4. Eric Utne, founder, Utne Reader; story written expressly as a contribution to this book.

5. Sheila Hines Edmondson, StayWell Health Management; story written expressly as a contribution to this book.

Chapter 4. Setting Context

1. Wilhelm Dilthey, Introduction to the Human Sciences: An Attempt to Lay a Foundation for the Study of Society and History (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1989).

2. A. R. Ammons, Tape for the Turn of the Year (New York: W. W. Norton, 1994).

3. This is our personal adaptation of the Institute of HeartMath®’s Freeze-Frame® technique and has been included by written agreement with the Institute.

Chapter 5. Creating the Container

1. Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The HeartMath Solution (New York: HarperOne, 2000).

2. Peter Block, The Answer to How Is Yes: Acting on What Matters (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2003), 178.

3. Bev Scott, Bev Scott Consulting, author of Consulting on the Inside (Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press, 2000) and founder of “The 3rd Act Workshop Series”; written expressly as a contribution to this book.

4. Pele Rouge Chadima, from the online essay, “Nurturing the Emergence of Collective Wisdom,”

5. Minx Boren, poem ©2009. From the heart, mind, and pen of Minx Boren, author of Feeling My Way—99 Poetic Journeys (Palm Beach Gardens, FL: Coach Minx Inc., 2008). This and other works by Minx Boren can be found at

6. “The Virtual Campfire” is an abridgment of the account of an actual Art of Convening training session.

Chapter 6. Hearing All the Voices

1. “The Retreat” is a composite of stories from the field gleaned from reports by Art of Convening participants. Names of people and/or organizations have been changed, but the important points of the story are true.

2. Otto Scharmer, Peter Senge, Frank Jaworski and Betty Sue Flowers, Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2004), 11.

3. Sue Patton Thoele, The Woman’s Book of Courage: Meditations for Empowerment and Peace of Mind (Newburyport, MA: Conari, 2003).

4. “A Joyful Hearing” is a composite of stories from the field gleaned from reports by Art of Convening participants. Names of people and/ or organizations are changed, but the important points of the story are true.

5. Paul G. Ward, transformation consultant and life coach; story written expressly as a contribution to this book.

6. Stringing the Beads as a practice is the subject of a forthcoming book by Pele Rouge Chadima, Resonance ( A full explanation of Stringing the Beads is included in “Arrows for Your Quiver.” Although this practice is found in many cultures, it is most known by name in indigenous cultures. The form that we adapted here was passed on to us by Pele Rouge and FireHawk, teachers of the Delicate Lodge tradition.

Chapter 7. Essential Conversation

1. “Extrovert/Introvert Dilemma” was adapted from a story relayed by Pam Hull, HealthEast Care System.

2. Anne Griswold; written expressly as a contribution to this book, at the conclusion of an Art of Convening training conducted for LifeScan Corporation.

3. Lauren Patterson, Service-Learning Initiative of Southwest Colorado; story written expressly as a contribution to this book.

Chapter 8. Creation

1. Brenda Ueland, Strength to Your Sword Arm: Selected Writings (Duluth, MN: Holy Cow! Press, 1996).

2. Elizabeth Becker, Becker & Company; written expressly as a contribution to this book.

Chapter 9. Commitment to Action

1. Minx Boren, poem ©2009. From the heart, mind, and pen of Minx Boren, author of Feeling My Way—99 Poetic Journeys (Palm Beach Gardens, FL: Coach Minx Inc., 2008). This and other works by Minx Boren can be found at

2. Myron Lowe, IT Director, University of Minnesota; written expressly as a contribution to this book.

3. “Good Will Finding” is a composite of stories from the field gleaned from reports by Art of Convening participants and Craig’s personal experience. Names of people and/or organizations are changed, but the important points of the story are true.

4. “A Commitment to Courage,” by Lauren Kettner, employee communications specialist, LifeScan, Inc.; story written expressly as a contribution to this book.

Our Invitation

1. Jalal al-Din Rumi, The Essential Rumi, trans. Coleman Barks (New York: HarperOne, 1997).

2. Hopi Elders’ Prophecy; Oraibi, Arizona; June 8, 2000.

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