

Action modes, 28

Active processes, 7

Activity logging, 112–118

Actual maps, 63

Animal level, 26

Annotation, 67, 68, 7073

Asynchronous flows, 39, 40

Automated production management module (APMM), 186

Avionics, 189

Avionics Components (ACs), 130–133, 161, 189

Avionics repair cycle, 193


Bar chart, 122, 123

Basic mapping conventions, 6770

Basic units, 10

Behavioral economists, 181

Bottom-line performance, 98

Boulding hierarchy, 27

Boundary-spanning action, 28, 30

Branching process flow, 67

Bread making, 7378

Business metrics, 98–101

Business process maps, 46

Business Process Reengineering (BPR), 135–137


Cash management, 8384

Catalog processes, 49

Central tendency, 124

Certification document, 104

Client process map, 89, 90, 91

Clockworks, 26

Complex systems, 16, 31

Components, 128–130

Computer simulations, 171

Connected things, 17

Continuous variables, 125

Convergent workflow, 38–39

Conversion processes, 36

Coordination costs, 19

Coordination, 1, 9, 12, 19, 20, 23, 24, 33, 36, 107, 157

Corporate retirement account, 88

Cost or resource consumption, 108

Coupling, 38–40, 43

Customer cash-transfer order, 115

Customization, 66

Cybernetic systems, 26

Cycle time, 113


Data flow diagram (DFD) format, 87

Decision diamond, 85

Deming cycle, 119

Descriptive statistics, 122

Designed process, 35

Divergent workflow, 38–39

DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control), 98

Drawing software, 46

Drill-down, 68

Drill-down, process, 74

Dynamic homeostasis, 153

Dynamic modeling, 169, 171, 182–186

Dynamic models, 172

Dynamic simulation, 177

Dysfunctional workflow, 39


Elapsed maintenance time (EMT), 130

Ennui, 106–107

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, 22

Environment, 14, 26, 35

Evidence-based medicine, 178

Exception handling process, 37, 84

Extremes, 106


Feedback, 32–33, 36, 154

Feedforward, 32–33, 36, 154

First-In, First-Out (FIFO), 148, 185

Flow of information, 29

Flow diagrams, 46

Flow relationships, 3842, 83

Flowcharting, 46, 134


imperfect information, 68

information processors, 8–13

information, processes, and performance, 17–21

knowledge, 26

systems, organizations are, 13–17

Freeform running list, 92

Frequency distribution, 122, 124, 127

Functional workflow, 39

Fund trade, processing, 87

Fuzzy set, 6


Garbage In, Garbage Out, 108, 180

General Systems Theory (GST), 14, 26

Genetic-societal level, 26

Goal attainment, 18

Golden handcuffs, 111

Graphic software, 104

Graphing and modeling workflows (XPDL), 47


Hierarchy, 9

Histogram, 122, 123

Homegrown process, 162

Human level, 26

Hyperlinks, 72


Imperfect information, 6–8, 18–20

Individual error (INDERR), 129, 130

Individual variation (INDVAR),
128, 129

Information and Communication Technology (ICT), 108

Information dependency, 32

Information imperfection, 6–8, 35

Information processing improvements, 108

Information processors, 8–13

Information, processes, and performance, 17–21

Information, properties of, 4

Information, states of, 3

Inherent information, 32, 36

Input, 36

Intellectual property, 8, 16

Internal processes, 17

Internal transformation, 30

IT-dependent mapping methods, 52

iThink model, 175–176


Just In Time (JIT) management,
15, 19, 20


Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS), 57

Kmetz method, 46, 51, 53, 73, 86, 89, 90, 91, 187

Known knowns (KK), 3, 5, 6, 11, 21, 50

Known unknowns (KU), 3, 5, 6, 11


Lean management methods, 99

Least Practical Value (LPV), 128, 129


Management practice, 99

Manual construction, 122

Map validation, 64

Map, then model, 172–177

Mapping parallel processes, 78–82

Mapping symbols, 53

Market, 31, 35

Mean, 124

Mean Exception Handling Time (MEHT), 118

Mean Primary Process Time (MPPT), 118

Mean Process Execution Time (MPET), 118, 119

Measurement inflation, 114

Mechanistic organizations, 164

Median, 125

Mode, 125

Multiple-cycle (looping) process
flow, 68


NAVAIR study, 189–201

Nested relationship, 33

Nonfinancial measures, 100

Nuts and bolts, 93, 98


Observer error (OBSERR), 129, 130

Open systems, 26

Operating system, 15

Organizational environment, 15

Organizational learning, 163

Organizational processes, 30, 32, 35

Outputs, 34


Payoff value, 19, 20, 71

Perfect information, 18

Performance, 18

Performance management, 99

Physical flow improvements, 108

Proactive offensive behaviors, 22

Proactive steps, 19


block, 55, 59

building blocks, 28

classification framework
(PCF), 50

improvement, 53

mapping software, 203

maps, 46

owner, 67, 156

workflows, 98–101

Process-relevant tasks, 106


Quality certification audits, 104

Quality improvements, 108

Quasi-materials flow, 36


Range, 124

Raw materials, 36

Reactive defensive behaviors, 22

Reactive steps, 19

Regulatory information, 32, 33

feedback, 32–33, 36

feedforward, 32–33, 36

Regulatory information mode, 29

Request for proposal (RFP), 80

Return on capital employed
(ROCE), 99

Rough cut jobholder map, 86


Second law of organizational thermodynamics, 2

Self-maintaining structures, 26

Sequential data sheet, 113

Shewhart cycle, 119–120, 182

Simple data analysis methods, 121

Simple dynamic structures, 26

Simulation, 170–172

Simulation data requirements, 177–179

Simulation, simulation as, 179–182

Simultaneous process, 80–81

Single-cycle process flow, 67

Six Sigma programs, 46

Social organization level, 26

Software tweaking, 108

Specialist methods, 49

Specialist units, 10

Spreadsheet, 122

Stable organization, 153

Standard deviation, 126

Static model process, 53

Static structures, 26

Statistical tools, 121

Stock, 29

Stocks of information, 15, 17

Subsystem, 14, 27

Supersystem, 27

Supply-chain management, 15

Swimlanes, 66

Symbol use, 56

Synchronous flows, 38–39

System boundary, 71

System complexity

animal level, 26

cybernetic systems, 26

genetic-societal level, 26

human level, 26

open systems, or self-maintaining structures, 26

simple dynamic structures, or clockworks, 26

social organization level, 26

static structures or frameworks, 26

transcendental level, 26

System diagram, 52

Systems, 13–17, 26–27, 29–35


Talent management, 99

Tally sheet, 113

Task-related information, 10

Time study, 137

Transcendental level, 26

Tunnel, 5


Uncertainty absorption, 12

Unforeseen costs, 19

University of Cardiff study, 137

Unknown knowns (UK), 3, 6, 11

Unknown unknowns (UU), 3, 6,
11, 24


Validate, 102

Variability, 126

Variance, 126

VAST (versatile avionics shop test), 148–152

Vector properties, 7

Vector, 4

Versatile avionics shop test
(VAST), 130


WFMA and dynamic modeling

dynamic modeling and KM, 182–186

dynamic models

map, then model, 172–177

simulation data requirements, 177–179

simulation, 170–172, 179–182

WFMA and knowledge management

complex workflow, capturing knowledge in, 147

large-scale simplicity, 152155

process owner, 155–157

KM, overview of, 142–146

KM, useful, 157–167

WFMA approach, 101–112

WFMA data collection and analysis

accumulated time, 130–133

activity logging, 112–118

business metrics, 98–101

business process reengineering, 135–137

components, 128–130

flowcharting, 134

process workflows, 98–101

time study, 137

WFMA approach, 101–112

workflow design tradeoffs, 133

workflow metric, 118–127

WFMA discipline, 56–67

WFMA symbols, 53–56

Work cycle, 63

Workflow design tradeoffs, 133

Workflow designs, 2, 16, 39, 134

Workflow map properties

discipline, 52

graphic, 52

robust, 52

scalable, 52

singular, 52

verifiable, 52

Workflow mapping

annotation, 70–73

basic mapping conventions, 67–70

examples, 86–89

making bread, 73–78

mapping parallel processes, 78–82

WFMA discipline, 56–67

WFMA symbols, 53–56

WFMA, 52

workflow maps, types of, 82–84

Workflow mapping and analysis (WFMA), 25, 46

Workflow mapping consortium (WfMC), 47

Workflow maps, 111

Workflow maps, types of, 82–84

Workflow metric, 118–127

Workflow, outcomes, 174

Workflows, 35–42


Y2K bug, 110

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