Chapter 7. Functional programming

This chapter covers

  • Functions in all their forms
  • Closures
  • Thinking recursively
  • A* pathfinding

At the core of functional programming is a formal system of computation known as the lambda calculus (Pierce 2002). Clojure functions, in adherence with the lambda calculus, are first class—they can be both passed as arguments and returned as results from other functions. This book isn’t about the lambda calculus. Instead, we’ll explore Clojure’s particular flavor of functional programming. We’ll cover a vast array of useful topics, including function composition, partial evaluation, recursion, lexical closures, pure functions, function constraints, higher-order functions, and first-class functions. We’ll use that last item as our starting point.

7.1. Functions in all their forms

In chapter 5, we mentioned that most of Clojure’s composite types can be used as functions of their elements. As a refresher, recall that vectors are functions of their indices, so executing ([:a :b] 0) returns :a. But this can be used to greater effect by passing the vector as a function argument:

The example uses the vector as the function to map over a set of indices, indicating its first and fourth elements by index. Clojure collections offer an interesting juxtaposition, in that not only can Clojure collections act as functions, but Clojure functions can also act as data—an idea known as first-class functions.

7.1.1. First-class functions

In a programming language such as Java, there’s no notion of a standalone function.[1] Instead, every problem solvable by Java must be performed with the fundamental philosophy that everything is an object. This view on writing programs is therefore rooted in the idea that behaviors in a program must be either modeled as class instances or attached to them—wise or not. Clojure, on the other hand, is a functional programming language and views the problem of software development as the application of functions to data. Likewise, functions in Clojure enjoy equal standing with data—functions are first-class citizens. Before we start, we should define what makes something first class:

1 Although the likely inclusion of closures in some future version of Java should go a long way toward invalidating this. Additionally, for those of you coming from a language such as Python, Scala, or another Lisp, the notion of a first-class function is likely not as foreign as we make it out to be.

  • It can be created on demand.
  • It can be stored in a data structure.
  • It can be passed as an argument to a function.
  • It can be returned as the value of a function.

Those of you coming from a background in Java might find the idea of creating functions on demand analogous to the practice of creating anonymous inner classes to handle Swing events (to name only one use case). Although similar enough to start on the way toward understanding functional programming, it’s not a concept likely to bear fruit, so don’t draw conclusions from this analogy.

Creating functions on demand using composition

Even a cursory glance at Clojure is enough to confirm that its primary unit of computation is the function, be it created or composed of other functions:

(def fifth (comp first rest rest rest rest))
(fifth [1 2 3 4 5])
;=> 5

The function fifth isn’t defined with fn or defn forms shown before, but instead built from existing parts using the comp (compose) function. But it may be more interesting to take the idea one step further by instead proving a way to build arbitrary nth functions[2] as shown here:

2 We know that Clojure provides an nth function that works slightly differently, but in this case please indulge our obtuseness.

(defn fnth [n]
  (apply comp
         (cons first
               (take (dec n) (repeat rest)))))

((fnth 5) '[a b c d e])
;=> e

The function fnth builds a list of the function rest of the appropriate length with a final first consed onto the front. This list is then fed into the comp function via apply, which takes a function and a sequence of things and effectively calls the function with the list elements as its arguments. At this point, there’s no longer any doubt that the function fnth builds new functions on the fly based on its arguments. Creating new functions this way is a powerful technique, but it takes some practice to think in a compositional way. It’s relatively rare to see more than one open parenthesis in a row like this in Clojure, but when you see it, it’s almost always because a function (such as fnth) is creating and returning a function that’s called immediately. A general rule of thumb is that if you need a function that applies a number of functions serially to the return of the former, then composition is a good fit:

Splitting functions into smaller, well-defined pieces fosters composability and, as a result, reuse.

Creating functions on demand using partial functions

There may be times when instead of building a new function from chains of other functions as comp allows, you need to build a function from the partial application of another:

((partial + 5) 100 200)
;=> 305

The function partial builds (Tarver 2008) a new function that partially applies the single argument 5 to the addition function. When the returned partial function is passed the arguments 100 and 200, the result is their summation plus that of the value 5 captured by partial.


The use of partial differs from the notion of currying in a fundamental way. A function built with partial attempts to evaluate whenever it’s given another argument. A curried function returns another curried function until it receives a predetermined number of arguments—only then does it evaluate. Because Clojure allows functions with a variable number of arguments, currying makes little sense.

We’ll discuss more about using partial later in this section, but as a final point observe that ((partial + 5) 100 200) is equivalent to (#(apply + 5 %&) 100 200).

Reversing truth with complement

One final function builder is the complement function. This function takes a function that returns a truthy value and returns the opposite truthy value:

(let [truthiness (fn [v] v)]
  [((complement truthiness) true)
   ((complement truthiness) 42)
   ((complement truthiness) false)
   ((complement truthiness) nil)])

;=> [false false true true]

((complement even?) 2)
;=> false

Note that (complement even?) is equivalent to (comp not even?) or #(not (even? %)).

Using functions as data

First-class functions can not only be treated as data; they are data. Because a function is first class, it can be stored in a container expecting a piece of data, be it a local, a reference, collections, or anything able to store a java.lang.Object. This is a significant departure from Java, where methods are part of a class but don’t stand alone at runtime (Forman 2004). One particularly useful method for treating functions as data is the way that Clojure’s testing framework clojure.test stores and validates unit tests in the metadata (as discussed in section 14.2) of a var holding a function. These unit tests are keyed with the :test keyword, laid out as follows:

(defn join
  {:test (fn []
             (= (join "," [1 2 3]) "1,3,3")))}
  [sep s]
  (apply str (interpose sep s)))
The faces of defn metadata

As shown in the definition of the join function with built-in tests, placing a map before a function’s parameters is one way of assigning metadata to a function using the defn macro. Another way is to use the shorthand notation before the function name, like so:

(defn ^:private ^:dynamic sum [nums]
  (map + nums))

The use of the shorthand ^:private and ^:dynamic is the same as saying

(defn ^{:private true, :dynamic true} sum [nums]
  (map + nums))

which is the same as saying

(defn sum {:private true, :dynamic true} [nums]
  (map + nums))

which is also the same as saying

(defn sum
    (map + nums))
  {:private true, :dynamic true})

The differing choices come in handy usually in different macro metaprogramming scenarios. For most human-typed functions, the shorthand form works fine.

You’ve modified join by attaching some metadata containing a faulty unit test. Of course, by that we mean the attached unit test is meant to fail in this case. The clojure.test/run-tests function is useful for running attached unit tests in the current namespace:

(use '[clojure.test :as t])
; Testing user
; ERROR in (join) (test.clj:646)
; ...
; actual: java.lang.AssertionError:
;  Assert failed: (= (join "," [1 2 3]) "1,3,3")
; ...

As expected, the faulty unit test for join fails. Unit tests in Clojure only scratch the surface of the boundless spectrum of examples using functions as data, but for now they’ll do, as we move on to the notion of higher-order functions.

7.1.2. Higher-order functions

A higher-order function is a function that does at least one of the following:

  • Takes one or more functions as arguments
  • Returns a function as a result

A Java programmer may be familiar with the practices of subscriber patterns or schemes using more general-purpose callback objects. There are scenarios such as these where Java treats objects like functions, but as with anything in Java, you’re really dealing with objects containing privileged methods.

Functions as arguments

In this book, we use and advocate the use of the sequence functions map, reduce, and filter—all of which expect a function argument that’s applied to the elements of the sequence arguments. The use of functions in this way is ubiquitous in Clojure and can make for truly elegant solutions. Another interesting example of a function that takes a function as an argument is the sort-by function. Before we dig into that, allow us to explain the motivation behind it. Specifically, Clojure provides a function named sort that works exactly as you might expect:

(sort [1 5 7 0 -42 13])
;;=> (-42 0 1 5 7 13)

The sort function works on many different types of elements:[3]

3 The odd-looking printout of the Date instances are what are known as tagged literals, which we’ll talk about in chapter 14.

(sort ["z" "x" "a" "aa"])
;;=> ("a" "aa" "x" "z")

(sort [(java.util.Date.) (java.util.Date. 100)])
;;=> (#inst "1970-01-01T00:00:00.100-00:00"
;;    #inst "2013-06-18T02:49:53.544-00:00")

(sort [[1 2 3], [-1, 0, 1], [3 2 1]])
;;=> ([-1 0 1] [1 2 3] [3 2 1])

But if you want to sort by different criteria, such as from greatest to least, then you can pass a function in to sort for use as the sorting criteria:

(sort > [7 1 4])
;;=> (7 4 1)

But sort fails if given seqs containing elements that aren’t mutually comparable:

(sort ["z" "x" "a" "aa" 1 5 8])
;; ClassCastException java.lang.Long cannot be cast to java.lang.String

(sort [{:age 99}, {:age 13}, {:age 7}])
;; ClassCastException clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap cannot be ...

Likewise, it gives unwanted results if you try to compare sub-elements of a type that it sorts as an aggregate rather than by specific parts:

(sort [[:a 7], [:c 13], [:b 21]])
;;=> ([:a 7] [:b 21] [:c 13])

That is, in this example you want to sort by the second element in the vectors, but passing the second function into sort is not the solution:

(sort second [[:a 7], [:c 13], [:b 21]])
;; ArityException Wrong number of args (2) passed to: core$second

Instead, Clojure provides the sort-by function, which takes a function as an argument that is used to preprocess each sortable element into something that is mutually comparable to the others:

(sort-by second [[:a 7], [:c 13], [:b 21]])
;;=> ([:a 7] [:c 13] [:b 21])

That looks better. And likewise for the other failed examples shown earlier, sort-by is key:

(sort-by str ["z" "x" "a" "aa" 1 5 8])
;;=> (1 5 8 "a" "aa" "x" "z")

(sort-by :age [{:age 99}, {:age 13}, {:age 7}])
;;=> ({:age 7} {:age 13} {:age 99})

The fact that sort-by takes an arbitrary function (and function-like thing, as shown when you used the keyword earlier) to preprocess elements allows for powerful sorting techniques. For example, let’s look at an example of a function that takes a sequence of maps and a function working on each, and returns a sequence sorted by the results of the function. The implementation in Clojure is straightforward and clean:

(def plays [{:band "Burial",     :plays 979,  :loved 9}
            {:band "Eno",        :plays 2333, :loved 15}
            {:band "Bill Evans", :plays 979,  :loved 9}
            {:band "Magma",      :plays 2665, :loved 31}])

(def sort-by-loved-ratio (partial sort-by #(/ (:plays %) (:loved %))))

The function with the overly descriptive name sort-by-loved-ratio is built from the partial application of the function sort-by and an anonymous function dividing the :plays field by the :loved field. This is a simple solution to the problem presented, and its usage is equally so:

(sort-by-loved-ratio plays)
;=> ({:band "Magma",         :plays 2665, :loved 31}
     {:band "Burial",        :plays 979,  :loved 9}
     {:band "Bill Evans",    :plays 979,  :loved 9}
     {:band "Eno",           :plays 2333, :loved 15})

This example intentionally uses the additional higher-order function sort-by to avoid reimplementing core functions and instead build the program from existing parts. You should strive to do this whenever possible.

Functions as return values

You’ve already used functions returning functions in this chapter with comp, partial, and complement, but you can build functions that do the same. Let’s extend the earlier example to provide a function that sorts rows based on some number of column values. This is similar to the way spreadsheets operate, in that you can sort on a primary column while falling back on a secondary column to provide the sort order on matching results in the primary. This behavior is typically performed along any number of columns, cascading down from the primary column to the last; each subgroup is sorted appropriately, as the expected result illustrates:

(sort-by (columns [:plays :loved :band]) plays)
;=> ({:band "Bill Evans", :plays 979,  :loved 9}
     {:band "Burial",     :plays 979,  :loved 9}
     {:band "Eno",        :plays 2333, :loved 15}
     {:band "Magma",      :plays 2665, :loved 31})

This kind of behavior sounds complex on the surface but is shockingly simple[4] in its Clojure implementation:

4 Strictly speaking, the implementation of columns should use #(% row) instead of just row, because you can’t always assume that the row is implemented as a map (a record might be used instead) and therefore directly usable as a function. Records are discussed further in chapter 9.

(defn columns [column-names]
  (fn [row]
    (vec (map row column-names))))

A quick example of what columns provides will help to clarify its intent:

(columns [:plays :loved :band])
;;=> #<user$columns$fn__1076 user$columns$fn__1076@689ba632>

((columns [:plays :loved :band])
  {:band "Burial", :plays 979, :loved 9})

;;=> [979 9 "Burial"]

Running the preceding expression shows that the row for Burial has a tertiary column sorting, represented as a vector of three elements that correspond to the listed column names. Specifically, the function columns returns another function expecting a map. This return function is then supplied to sort-by to provide the value on which the plays vector would be sorted. Perhaps you see a familiar pattern: you apply the column-names vector as a function across a set of indices, building a sequence of its elements at those indices. This action returns a sequence of the values of that row for the supplied column names, which is then turned into a vector so that it can be used as the sorting function,[5] as structured here:

5 Because sort-by is higher order, it naturally expects a function argument. As mentioned, vectors can also be used as functions. But as we’ll discuss in detail in section 12.4, all closure functions implement the java.util.Comparator interface, which in this case is the driving force behind the sorting logic of sort-by!

(vec (map (plays 0) [:plays :loved :band]))
;=> [979 9 "Burial"]

This resulting vector is then used by sort-by to provide the final ordering.

Building your programs using first-class functions in concert with higher-order functions reduces complexities and makes your code base more robust and extensible. In the next subsection, we’ll explore pure functions, which all prior functions in this section have been, and explain why your applications should strive toward purity.

Prefer higher-order functions when processing sequences

We mentioned in section 6.3 that one way to ensure that lazy sequences are never fully realized in memory is to prefer (Hutton 1999) higher-order functions for processing. Most collection processing can be performed with some combination of the following functions: map, reduce, filter, for, some, repeatedly, sort-by, keep, take-while, and drop-while.

But higher-order functions aren’t a panacea for every solution. Therefore, we’ll cover the topic of recursive solutions in greater depth in section 7.3 for those cases when higher-order functions fail or are less than clear.

7.1.3. Pure functions

Pure functions are regular functions that, through convention, conform to the following simple guidelines:

  • The function always returns the same result, given the same arguments.
  • The function doesn’t cause any observable side effects.

Although Clojure is designed to minimize and isolate side effects, it’s by no means a purely functional language. But there are a number of reasons why you’d want to build as much of your system as possible from pure functions, and we’ll enumerate a few presently.

Referential transparency

If a function of some arguments always results in the same value and changes no other values in the greater system, then it’s essentially a constant, or referentially transparent (the reference to the function is transparent to time). Take a look at pure function keys-apply:

The action of keys-apply is as follows (recall that plays is a sequence of maps, defined in the previous section):

(keys-apply #(.toUpperCase %) #{:band} (plays 0))
;;=> {:band "BURIAL"}

Using another pure function manip-map, you can then manipulate a set of keys based on a given function:

And the use of manip-map to halve the values keyed at :plays and :loved is as follows:

(manip-map #(int (/ % 2)) #{:plays :loved} (plays 0))

;;=> {:band "Burial", :plays 489, :loved 4}

keys-apply and manip-map are both pure functions,[6] illustrated by the fact that you can replace them in the context of a larger program with their expected return values and not change the outcome. Pure functions exist outside the bounds of time. But if you make either keys-apply or manip-map reliant on anything but its arguments or generate a side effect within, then referential transparency dissolves. Let’s add one more function to illustrate this:

6 These functions are based on a similar implementation created by Steven Gilardi.

(defn mega-love! [ks]
  (map (partial manip-map #(int (* % 1000)) ks) plays))

(mega-love! [:loved])
;;=> ({:band "Burial",     :plays 979,  :loved 9000}
      {:band "Eno",        :plays 2333, :loved 15000}
      {:band "Bill Evans", :plays 979,  :loved 9000}
      {:band "Magma",      :plays 2665, :loved 31000})

The function mega-love! works against the global var plays and is no longer limited to generating results solely from its arguments. Because plays could change at any moment, there’s no guarantee that mega-love! would return the same value given any particular argument.


If a function is referentially transparent, then it can more easily be optimized using techniques such as memoization (discussed in chapter 14) and algebraic manipulations (Wadler 1989).


If a function is referentially transparent, then it’s easier to reason about and therefore more straightforward to test. Building mega-love! as an impure function forces the need to test against the possibility that plays could change at any time, complicating matters substantially. Imagine the confusion should you add further impure functions based on further external transient values.

7.1.4. Named arguments

Some programming languages allow functions to take named arguments. Python is one such language, as shown here:

def slope(p1=(0,0), p2=(1,1)):
    return (float(p2[1] - p1[1])) / (p2[0] - p1[0])

slope((4,15), (3,21))
#=> -6.0

#=> 0.5

#=> 1.0

The Python function slope calculates the slope of a line given two tuples defining points on a line. The tuples p1 and p2 are defined as named parameters, allowing either or both to be omitted in favor of default values or passed in any order as named parameters. Clojure provides a similar feature, using its destructuring mechanism coupled with the optional arguments flag &. The same function can be written using Clojure’s named arguments as follows:

(defn slope
  [& {:keys [p1 p2] :or {p1 [0 0] p2 [1 1]}}]
  (float (/ (- (p2 1) (p1 1))
            (- (p2 0) (p1 0)))))
(slope :p1 [4 15] :p2 [3 21])
;=> -6.0

(slope :p2 [2 1])
;=> 0.5

;=> 1.0

Clojure’s named arguments are built on the destructuring mechanism outlined in section 3.3, allowing much richer ways to declare them.

7.1.5. Constraining functions with pre- and postconditions

Every function in Clojure can potentially be constrained on its inputs, its output, and some arbitrary relationship between them. These constraints take the form of pre- and postcondition vectors contained in a map defined in the function body. Let’s simplify the slope function to the base case to more clearly illustrate the matter of constraints:

(defn slope [p1 p2]
  {:pre [(not= p1 p2) (vector? p1) (vector? p2)]
   :post [(float? %)]}
  (/ (- (p2 1) (p1 1))
     (- (p2 0) (p1 0))))

The constraint map defines two entries: :pre constraining the input parameters and :post constraining the return value. The function calls in the constraint vectors are all expected to return true for the constraints to pass (via logical and). In the case of the revised slope function, the input constraints are that the points must not be equal and they must both be vectors. In the postcondition, the constraint is that the return result must be a floating-point value. The following example runs through a few scenarios to show how the new implementation works:

Clojure also provides a simple assertion macro that can be used to emulate some pre- and postconditions. Using assert instead of :pre is typically fairly straightforward. But using assert instead of :post is cumbersome and awkward. On the contrary, restricting yourself to constraint maps will cover most of the expected cases covered by assert, which can be used to fill in the remaining holes (such as loop invariants). In any case, constraint maps provide standard hooks into the assertion machinery of Clojure, whereas using assert is by its nature ad hoc. Yet another advantage of :pre and :post is that they allow the assertions to come from a different source than the body of the function, which we’ll address next.


To turn off :pre and :post checks for a specific file, add the line (set! *assert* false) to a source file somewhere near the top, but after the namespace declaration.

Decoupling assertions from functions

The implementation of slope corresponds to a well-established mathematical property. As a result, it makes perfect sense to tightly couple the constraints and the work to be done to perform the calculation. But not all functions are as well defined as slope, and therefore they could benefit from some flexibility in their constraints. Imagine a function that takes a map, puts some keys into it, and returns the new map, defined as follows:

(defn put-things [m]
  (into m {:meat "beef" :veggie "broccoli"}))

(put-things {})
;=> {:meat "beef", :veggie "broccoli"}

How would you add constraints to put-things? You could add them directly to the function definition, but the consumers of the map might have differing requirements for the entries added. Instead, here’s how you can abstract the constraints into another function:

(defn vegan-constraints [f m]
  {:pre [(:veggie m)]
   :post [(:veggie %) (nil? (:meat %))]}
  (f m))

(vegan-constraints put-things {:veggie "carrot"})
; java.lang.AssertionError: Assert failed: (nil? (:meat %))

The vegan-constraints function applies specific constraints to an incoming function, stating that the map coming in and going out should have some kind of veggie and should never have meat in the result. The beauty of this scheme is that you can create contextual constraints based on the appropriate expected results, as shown next:

Recall that the put-things function returns a new map augmented with certain foodstuffs. Therefore, the assertion failure in the last example happens because the new map is compared with the original map passed to finicky as an argument. By pulling out the assertions into a wrapper function, you detach some domain-specific requirements from a potentially globally useful function and isolate them in aspects (Laddad 2003). By detaching pre- and postconditions from the functions themselves, you can mix in any implementation you please, knowing that as long as it fulfills the contract (Meyer 1991), its interposition is transparent. This is only the beginning of the power of Clojure’s pre- and postconditions, and we’ll come back to it a few times more to see how it can be extended and utilized.

Now that we’ve covered some of the powerful features available via Clojure’s functions, we’ll take a step further by exploring lexical closures.

7.2. On closures

On his next walk with Qc Na, Anton attempted to impress his master by saying “Master, I have diligently studied the matter, and now understand that objects are truly a poor man’s closures.” Qc Na responded by hitting Anton with his stick, saying “When will you learn? Closures are a poor man’s object.” At that moment, Anton became enlightened.

Anton van Straaten[7]

7 Email message to Guy Steele, June 4, 2003,

It took only 30 years, but closures (Sussman 1975) are now a key feature of mainstream programming languages—Perl and Ruby support them, and JavaScript derives much of what power it has from closures. So what’s a closure? In a sentence, a closure is a function that has access to locals from the context where it was created:

(def times-two
  (let [x 2]
    (fn [y] (* y x))))

The fn form defines a function and uses def to store it in a var named times-two. The let forms a lexical scope in which the function was defined, so the function gains access to all the locals in that lexical context. That’s what makes this function a closure: it uses the local x that was defined outside the body of the function, and so the local and its value become a property of the function itself. The function is said to close over the local x, as in the following example:[8]

8 Locals like x in this example are sometimes called free variables. We don’t use the term because Clojure locals are immutable.

(times-two 5)
;=> 10

This isn’t terribly interesting, but one way to make a more exciting closure is to have it close over something mutable:

(def add-and-get
  (let [ai (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger.)]
    (fn [y] (.addAndGet ai y))))

(add-and-get 2)
;=> 2
(add-and-get 2)
;=> 4
(add-and-get 7)
;=> 11

The java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger class holds an integer value, and its .addAndGet method adds to its value, stores the result, and also returns the result. The function add-and-get is holding on to the same instance of Atomic-Integer, and each time it’s called, the value of that instance is modified. Unlike the earlier times-two function, this one can’t be rewritten with the local ai defined in the function. If you tried, then each time the function was called, it would create a new instance with a default value of 0 to be created and stored in ai—clearly not what should happen. A point of note about this technique is that when closing over something mutable, you run the risk of making your functions impure and thus more difficult to test and reason about, especially if the mutable local is shared.

7.2.1. Functions returning closures

Each of the previous examples creates a single closure, but by wrapping similar code in another function definition, you can create more closures on demand. For example, you can take the earlier times-two example and generalize it to take an argument instead of using 2 directly:

(defn times-n [n]
  (let [x n]
    (fn [y] (* y x))))

We’ve covered functions returning functions before, but if you’re not already familiar with closures, this may be a stretch. You now have an outer function stored in a var named times-n—note that you use defn instead of def. When times-n is called with an argument, it returns a new closure created by the fn form and closing over the local x. The value of x for this closure is whatever is passed in to times-n:

(times-n 4)
;=> #<user$times_n$fn__39 user$times_n$fn__39@427be8c2>

Viewing the function form for this closure isn’t too useful, so instead you can store it in a var, allowing you to call it by a friendlier name such as times-four:

(def times-four (times-n 4))

Here you’re using def again to store what times-n returns—a closure over the number 4. Thus when you call this closure with an argument of its own, it returns the value of y times x, as shown:

(times-four 10)
;=> 40

Note that when you call the closure stored in times-four, it uses the local it closed over as well as the argument in the call.

7.2.2. Closing over parameters

The definition of times-n creates a local x using let and closes over that instead of closing over the argument n directly. But this was only to help focus the discussion on other parts of the function. In fact, closures close over parameters of outer functions the same way they do over let locals. Thus times-n can be defined without any let at all:

(defn times-n [n]
  (fn [y] (* y n)))

All the preceding examples would work exactly the same. Here’s another function that creates and returns a closure in a similar way. Note again that the inner function maintains access to the outer parameter even after the outer function has returned:

(defn divisible [denom]
  (fn [num]
    (zero? (rem num denom))))

You don’t have to store a closure in a var; you can instead create one and call it immediately:

((divisible 3) 6)
;=> true

((divisible 3) 7)
;=> false

Instead of storing or calling a closure, a particular need is best served by passing a closure along to another function that will use it.

7.2.3. Passing closures as functions

We’ve shown many examples in previous chapters of higher-order functions built in to Clojure’s core libraries. What we’ve glossed over so far is that anywhere a function is expected, a closure can be used instead. This has dramatic consequences for how powerful these functions can be.

For example, filter takes a function (called a predicate in this case) and a sequence, applies the predicate to each value of the sequence,[9] and returns a sequence of just the values for which the predicate returned something truthy. A simple example of its use returns only the even numbers from a sequence of numbers:

9 Please don’t construe from this wording that filter always iterates through the entire input sequence. Like most of the seq library, it’s lazy and only consumes as much of the input sequence as needed to produce the values demanded of it.

(filter even? (range 10))
;=> (0 2 4 6 8)

Note that filter only ever passes a single argument to the predicate given it. Without closures, this might be restrictive, but with them you can close over the values needed:

(filter (divisible 4) (range 10))
;=> (0 4 8)

It’s common to define a closure right on the spot where it’s used, closing over whatever local context is needed:

(defn filter-divisible [denom s]
  (filter (fn [num] (zero? (rem num denom))) s))

(filter-divisible 4 (range 10))
;=> (0 4 8)

This kind of on-the-spot anonymous function definition is desired frequently enough that Clojure spends a little of its small syntax budget on the reader feature to make such cases more succinct. This #() form was first introduced in chapter 2 and in this case can be used to write the definition of filter-divisible as follows:

(defn filter-divisible [denom s]
  (filter #(zero? (rem % denom)) s))

(filter-divisible 5 (range 20))
;=> (0 5 10 15)

Although certainly more succinct than the extended anonymous function form and the earlier example using a separate divisible function with filter, there’s a fine line to balance between reuse and clarity.[10] Thankfully, in any case the performance differences among the three choices are nominal.

10 Hiding divisible as an anonymous function inside filter-divisible reduces the reusability of the code with no real benefit. Anonymous functions are best reserved for when the lexical context being closed over is more complex or the body of the function is too narrow in use to warrant being its own named function.

7.2.4. Sharing closure context

So far, the closures we’ve shown have stood alone, but it’s sometimes useful to have multiple closures closing over the same values. This may take the form of an ad hoc set of closures in a complex lexical environment, such as event callbacks or timer handlers in a nested GUI builder. Or it may be a tidy, specifically designed bundle of values and related functions—something that can be thought of as an object.

To demonstrate this, let’s build a robot object that has functions for moving it around a grid based on its current position and bearing. For this you need a list of coordinate deltas for compass bearings, starting with north and going clockwise:

(def bearings [{:x  0, :y  1}    ; north
               {:x  1, :y  0}    ; east
               {:x  0, :y -1}    ; south
               {:x -1, :y  0}])  ; west

Note that this is on a grid where y increases as you go north and x increases as you go east—mathematical coordinate style rather than spreadsheet cells.

With this in place, it’s easy to write a function forward that takes a coordinate and a bearing and returns a new coordinate, having moved forward one step in the direction of the bearing:

(defn forward [x y bearing-num]
  [(+ x (:x (bearings bearing-num)))
   (+ y (:y (bearings bearing-num)))])

Starting with a bearing of 0 (north) at 5,5 and going one step brings the bot to 5,6:

(forward 5 5 0)
;=> [5 6]

You can also try starting at 5,5 and with bearing 1 (east) or bearing 2 (south) and see the desired results:

(forward 5 5 1)
;=> [6 5]
(forward 5 5 2)
;=> [5 4]

But you have no closures yet, so you’ll build a bot object that keeps not just its coordinates, but also its bearing. In the process, you’ll move this standalone forward function into the bot object. By making this a closure, you’ll also open up possibilities for polymorphism later. So here’s a bot that knows how to move itself forward:

(defn bot [x y bearing-num]
  {:coords  [x y]
   :bearing ([:north :east :south :west] bearing-num)
   :forward (fn [] (bot (+ x (:x (bearings bearing-num)))
                        (+ y (:y  (bearings bearing-num)))

You can create an instance of this bot and query it for its coordinates or its bearing:

(:coords (bot 5 5 0))
;=> [5 5]

(:bearing (bot 5 5 0))
;=> :north

But now that you’ve moved the forward function inside, you no longer pass in parameters, because it gets everything it needs to know from the state of the bot that it closes over. Instead, you use :forward to fetch the closure from inside the bot object and then use an extra set of parentheses to invoke it with no arguments:

(:coords ((:forward (bot 5 5 0))))
;=> [5 6]

Now you have a somewhat complicated beastie, but there’s still only a single closure in the mix. Note that the inner set of parentheses is for the call of :forward, which returns the anonymous function; the outer set then calls that function. To make things more interesting, let’s add turn-left and turn-right[11] functions and store them right there in the object with :forward:

11 The :turn-right function uses (+ 1 foo), even though in general (inc foo) would be idiomatic. Here it helps highlight the symmetry between turn-right and turn-left, for anyone reading the code. In this case, using + is more readable than using inc and so is preferred.

(defn bot [x y bearing-num]
  {:coords     [x y]
   :bearing    ([:north :east :south :west] bearing-num)
   :forward    (fn [] (bot (+ x (:x (bearings bearing-num)))
                           (+ y (:y (bearings bearing-num)))
   :turn-right (fn [] (bot x y (mod (+ 1 bearing-num) 4)))
   :turn-left  (fn [] (bot x y (mod (- 1 bearing-num) 4)))})

(:bearing ((:forward ((:forward ((:turn-right (bot 5 5 0))))))))
;=> :east

(:coords ((:forward ((:forward ((:turn-right (bot 5 5 0))))))))
;=> [7 5]

We won’t talk about the verbosity of using the bot object yet; instead we’ll focus on the features used in the definition of bot. You’re freely mixing values computed when a bot is created (such as the :bearing) and functions that create values when called later. The functions are closures, and each has full access to the lexical environment. The fact that there are multiple closures sharing the same environment isn’t awkward or unnatural and flows easily from the properties of closures already shown.

We’d like to demonstrate one final feature of this pattern for building objects: polymorphism. For example, here’s the definition of a bot that supports all the same usage as earlier, but this one has its wires crossed or perhaps is designed to work sensibly in Alice’s Wonderland. Specifically, like the bots defined previously, the mirror-bot in the following code has all the same names for its fields—a form of duck typing. When told to go forward, mirror-bot instead reverses, and it turns left instead of right and vice versa:

(defn mirror-bot [x y bearing-num]
  {:coords     [x y]
   :bearing    ([:north :east :south :west] bearing-num)
   :forward    (fn [] (mirror-bot (- x (:x (bearings bearing-num)))

                                  (- y (:y (bearings bearing-num)))
   :turn-right (fn [] (mirror-bot x y (mod (- 1 bearing-num) 4)))
   :turn-left  (fn [] (mirror-bot x y (mod (+ 1 bearing-num) 4)))})

By bundling the functions that operate on data inside the same structure as the data itself, simple polymorphism is possible. Because each function is a closure, no object state needs to be explicitly passed; instead, each function uses any locals required to do its job.

You probably cringed at the number of parentheses required to call these particular object closures, and rightfully so. We encourage you to extrapolate from the closure examples when dealing with your own applications and see how they can solve a variety of tricky and unusual problems. Although this kind of structure is simple and powerful[12] and may be warranted in some situations, Clojure provides other ways of associating functions with data objects that are more flexible. In fact, the desire to avoid a widespread need for this type of ad hoc implementation inspired the creation of Clojure’s reify macro, which we’ll cover in section 9.3.2.

12 ... a fact any sufficiently experienced JavaScript programmer would be able to confirm.

Compile-time vs. runtime

When you look at code that includes a closure, it’s not immediately obvious how the work is distributed between compile-time and runtime. In particular, when you see a lot of code or processor-intensive work being done in a closure, you may wonder about the cost of calling the function that creates the closure:

(defn do-thing-builder [x y z]
  (fn do-thing [a b]
    (massive-calculation x y z)

But you don’t need to worry. When this entire expression is compiled, bytecode for the bodies of do-thing and do-thing-builder is generated and stored in memory.[13] In current versions of Clojure, each function definition gets its own class. But when do-thing-builder is called, it doesn’t matter how large or slow the body of do-thing is—all that’s done at runtime is the creation of an instance of do-thing’s class. This is lightweight and fast. Not until the closure returned by do-thing-builder is called does the complexity or speed of the body of that inner function matter at all.

13 If the code is being compiled ahead of time by the compile function, the generated bytecode is also written to disk in .class files.

In this section, you learned that closures are functions that close over lexical locals, how to create them from inside other functions, how to pass them around and call them, and even how to build lightweight objects using them. Next, we’ll look at how functions and closures behave when they call themselves, a pattern lovingly known as recursion.

7.3. Thinking recursively

You’re likely already familiar with the basics of recursion, and as a result you can take heart that we won’t force you to read a beginner’s tutorial again. But because recursive solutions are prevalent in Clojure code, it’s important for us to cover it well enough that you can fully understand Clojure’s recursive offerings.

Recursion is often viewed as a low-level operation reserved for times when solutions involving higher-order functions either fail or lead to obfuscation. Granted, it’s fun to solve problems recursively because even for those of us who’ve attained some level of acumen with functional programming, finding a recursive solution still injects a bit of magic into our day. Recursion is a perfect building block for creating higher-level looping constructs and functions, as we’ll show in this section.

7.3.1. Mundane recursion

A classically recursive algorithm is that of calculating some base number raised to an exponent, or the pow function. A straightforward[14] way to solve this problem recursively is to multiply the base by each successively smaller value of the exponent, as implemented here:

14 Yes, we’re aware of Math/pow.

(defn pow [base exp]
  (if (zero? exp)
    (* base (pow base (dec exp)))))
(pow 2 10)
;=> 1024
(pow 1.01 925)
;=> 9937.353723241924

We say that the recursive call is mundane[15] because it’s named explicitly rather than through mutual recursion or implicitly with the recur special form. Why is this a problem? The answer lies in what happens when you try to call pow with a large value:

15 Typically, mundane recursion is referred to as linear, or the case where the space requirement needed to perform the recursion is proportional to the magnitude of the input.

(pow 2 10000)
; java.lang.StackOverflowError

The implementation of pow is doomed to throw java.lang.StackOverflowError because the recursive call is trapped by the multiplication operation. The ideal solution is a tail-recursive version that uses the explicit recur form, thus avoiding stack consumption and the resulting exception. One way to remove the mundane recursive call is to perform the multiplication at a different point, thus freeing the recursive call to occur in the tail position, as shown next:

(defn pow [base exp]
  (letfn [(kapow [base exp acc]
            (if (zero? exp)

              (recur base (dec exp) (* base acc))))]
    (kapow base exp 1)))

(pow 2N 10000)
;=> ... A very big number

This new version of pow uses two common techniques for converting mundane recursion to tail recursion. First, it uses a helper function kapow that does the majority of the work. Second, kapow uses an accumulator acc that holds the result of the multiplication. The exponent exp is no longer used as a multiplicative value but instead functions as a decrementing counter, eliminating a stack explosion.

Regular recursion is fun again with lazy-seq

As mentioned in section 6.3, the lazy-seq recipe rule of thumb #1 states that you should wrap outer-layer function bodies with the lazy-seq macro when generating lazy seqs. The implementation of lz-rec-step used mundane recursion but managed to avoid stack-overflow exceptions thanks to the use of lazy-seq. For functions generating sequences, the use of lazy-seq might be a better choice than tail recursion, because often the regular (mundane) recursive definition is the most natural and understandable.

A recursive units calculator

Some problems scream out for a recursive solution; take for example the problem of unit conversions. A kilometer consists of 1,000 meters, each made of 100 centimeters, each of which is 10 millimeters, each of which is 1/1,000 of a meter. These types of conversions are often needed in far-ranging applications.

If you wanted to describe this relationship in terms of a data structure, then you might land on something like the map that follows:

(ns joy.units)

(def simple-metric {:meter 1,
                    :km 1000,
                    :cm 1/100,
                    :mm [1/10 :cm]})

The map simple-metric uses the :meter value as the base unit, or the unit used as the reference point for every other unit. To calculate the answer to “How many meters are in 3 kilometers, 10 meters, 80 centimeters, 10 millimeters?” you could use the map as follows:

(->    (* 3  (:km simple-metric))
    (+ (* 10 (:meter simple-metric)))
    (+ (* 80 (:cm simple-metric)))
    (+ (* (:cm simple-metric)
          (* 10 (first (:mm simple-metric)))))
;;=> 3010.81

Although the map is certainly usable this way, the user experience of traversing simple-metric directly is less than stellar. Instead, it would be nicer to define a function named convert, shown in the following listing, that essentially performs these mathematical operations.

Listing 7.1. Function to recursively convert units of measure

The action of the convert function programmatically mirrors the manual use of simple-metric shown earlier. The form of the descriptor coming into the function and mirrored in the destructuring form is the opposite of the key/value mapping in the context map. This is because it allows the descriptor to take a more linguistically natural form where the magnitude precedes the unit name (such as 1 :meter).

After binding the magnitude mag and the unit name, the value associated with the unit is retrieved . In the case where a straight lookup results in a number, the :default case takes over and results in a magnitude multiplication. This straightforward multiplication is the recursion’s terminating condition. In the case where a lookup results in a vector, the recursion continues with the vector itself for the purpose of traversing the recursive unit definitions . Eventually, the function should bottom out on a nonvector, thus allowing the final magnitude multiplication . Because of the recursion, the multiplication rolls up through all the intermediate relative unit values.

You can see convert in action next:

(convert simple-metric [1 :meter])
;;=> 1

(convert simple-metric [50 :cm])
;;=> 1/2

(convert simple-metric [100 :mm])
;;=> 1/10

And of course, convert should handle compounds:

(float (convert simple-metric [3 :km 10 :meter 80 :cm 10 :mm]))
;;=> 3010.81

The beauty of convert is that it’s not bound to units of length. Through a synergy between recursive data and recursive function, you’ve defined a generic unit-conversion specification, allowing other unit types:

(convert {:bit 1, :byte 8, :nibble [1/2 :byte]} [32 :nibble])
;;=> 128N

You’ll see convert again in chapter 14, but for now we’ll move on to matters of finding and using a function’s tail.

7.3.2. Tail calls and recur

In a language such as Clojure, where function locals are immutable, the benefit of tail recursion is especially important for implementing algorithms that require the consumption of a value or the accumulation of a result. Before we get deeper into implementing tail recursion, we’ll take a moment to appreciate the historical underpinnings of tail-call recursion and expound on its further role in Clojure.

Generalized tail-call optimization (TCO)

In their “Lambda Papers” (MIT AI Lab, AI Lab Memos, 1975–1980), Guy L. Steele and Gerald Sussman describe their experiences with the research and implementation of the early versions of the Scheme programming language. The first versions of the interpreter served as a model for Carl Hewitt’s Actor model (Hewitt 1973) of concurrent computation, implementing both actors and functions. As a quick summary, you can think of the Actor model as one where each actor is a process with local state and an event loop processing messages from other actors to read, write, and compute on that state. In any case, one day, while eating Ho-Hos,[16] Steele and Sussman noticed that the implementation of control flow in Scheme, implemented using actors, always ended with one actor calling another in its tail position, with the return to the callee being deferred. Armed with their intimate knowledge of the Scheme compiler, Steele and Sussman were able to infer that because the underlying architecture dealing with actors and functions was the same, retaining both was redundant. Therefore, actors were removed from the language and functions remained as the more general construct. Thus, generalized tail-call optimization was thrust (Steele 1977) into the world of computer science.

16 This isn’t true, but wouldn’t it be great if it were?

Generalized tail-call optimization as found in Scheme (Abelson 1996) can be viewed as analogous to object delegation. Hewitt’s original Actor model was rooted heavily in message delegation of arbitrary depth, with data manipulation occurring at any and all levels along the chain. This is similar to an adapter, except that there’s an implicit resource-management element involved. In Scheme, any tail call from a function A to a function B results in the deallocation of all of A local resources and the full delegation of execution to B.[17] As a result of this generalized tail-call optimization, the return to the original caller of A is directly from B instead of back down the call chain through A again, as shown in figure 7.1.

17 Bear in mind that in this scenario, A and B can be different functions or the same function.

Figure 7.1. Generalized tail-call optimization: if you know that A calls B in the tail position, then you also know that A’s resources are no longer needed, allowing Scheme to deallocate them and defer to B for the return call instead.

Unfortunately for Clojure, neither the Java Virtual Machine nor its bytecode provide generalized tail-call optimization facilities. Clojure does provide a tail call special form recur, but it only optimizes the case of a tail-recursive self call and not the generalized tail call. In the general case, there’s currently no way to reliably optimize (Clinger 1998) tail calls.

Tail recursion

The following function calculates the greatest common denominator of two numbers:

(defn gcd [x y]
     (> x y) (gcd (- x y) y)
     (< x y) (gcd x (- y x))
    :else x))

The implementation of gcd is straightforward, but notice that it uses mundane recursion instead of tail recursion via recur. In a language such as Scheme, containing generalized tail-call optimization, the recursive calls are optimized automatically. On the other hand, because of the JVM’s lack of tail-call optimization, the recur is needed in order to avoid stack-overflow errors.

Using the information in table 7.1, you can replace the mundane recursive calls with the recur form, causing gcd to be optimized by Clojure’s compiler.[18]

18 Possibly the first instance of a compiler that converted tail recursion into an iterative loop was the LISP 1.5 compiler written by Tim Hart and Mike Levin around the summer of 1961. Buried in the compiler’s implementation was a function named PROGITER that was responsible for searching through an expression for a given name (the recursive call name, that is) and, when found, replacing its call with the proper incantation of PROG, GO, SETQ, and RETURN to create a looping program (Levin 1963).

Table 7.1. Tail positions and recur targets


Tail position

Recur target?

fn, defn (fn [args] expressions tail) Yes
loop (loop [bindings] expressions tail) Yes
let, letfn, binding (let [bindings] expressions tail) No
do (do expressions tail) No
if, if-not (if test then-tailelse-tail) No
when, when-not (when test expressions tail) No
cond (cond test test tail ...:else else tail) No
or, and (or test test... tail) No
case (case const const tail ... default tail) No
Why recur?

If you think you understand why Clojure provides an explicit tail-call optimization form rather than an implicit one, then go ahead and skip to the next section.

There’s no technical reason why Clojure couldn’t automatically detect and optimize recursive tail calls—Scala does this—but there are valid reasons why Clojure doesn’t. First, because there’s no generalized TCO in the JVM, Clojure can only provide a subset of tail-call optimizations: the recursive case and the mutually recursive case (see the next section). By making recur an explicit optimization, Clojure doesn’t give the pretense of providing full TCO.

Second, having recur as an explicit form allows the Clojure compiler to detect errors caused by an expected tail call being pushed out of the tail position. If you change gcd to always return an integer, then an exception is thrown because the recur call is pushed out of the tail position:

(defn gcd [x y]
       (> x y) (recur (- x y) y)
       (< x y) (recur x (- y x))
       :else x)))

; java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Can only recur from tail...

With automatic recursive tail-call optimization, the addition of an outer int call wouldn’t necessarily trigger[19] an error condition (Wampler 2009). But Clojure enforces that a call to recur be in the tail position. This benefit will likely cause recur to live on, even should the JVM acquire TCO.

19 The Scala 2.8 compiler recognizes a @tailrec annotation and triggers an error whenever a marked function or method can’t be optimized.

The final benefit of recur is that it allows the forms fn and loop to act as anonymous recursion points. Why recur, indeed.

7.3.3. Don’t forget your trampoline

We touched briefly on the fact that Clojure can also optimize a mutually recursive function relationship, but like the tail-recursive case, it’s done explicitly. Mutually recursive functions are nice for implementing finite state machines (FSAs), and in this section we’ll show an example of a simple state machine modeling the operation of an elevator (Mozgovoy 2009) for a two-story building. The elevator FSA allows only four states: on the first floor with the doors open or closed, and on the second floor with the doors open or closed. The elevator can also take four distinct commands: open doors, close doors, go up, and go down. Each command is valid only in a certain context: for example, the close command is valid only when the elevator door is open. Likewise, the elevator can only go up when on the first floor and can only go down when on the second floor, and the door must be shut in both instances.

You can directly translate these states and transitions into a set of mutually recursive functions by associating the states as a set of functions ff-open, ff-closed, sf-closed, and sf-open, and the transitions :open, :close, :up, and :down, as conditions for calling the next function. Let’s create a function elevator that starts in the ff-open state, takes a sequence of commands, and returns true or false if the commands correspond to a legal schedule according to the FSA. For example, the sequence [:close :open :done] would be legal, if pointless, whereas [:open :open :done] wouldn’t be legal, because an open door can’t be reopened. The function elevator can be implemented as shown next.

Listing 7.2. Using mutually recursive functions to implement a finite state machine

Using letfn this way allows you to create local functions that reference each other, whereas (let [ff-open #(...)] ...) wouldn’t, because it executes its bindings serially.[20] Each state function contains a case macro that dispatches to the next state based on a contextually valid command. For example, the sf-open state transitions to the sf-closed state given a :close command, returns true on a :done command (corresponding to a legal schedule), or otherwise returns false. Each state is similar in that the default case command is to return false, indicating an illegal schedule. One other point of note is that each state function returns a function returning a value, rather than directly returning the value. This is done so that the trampoline function can manage the stack on the mutually recursive calls, thus avoiding cases where a long schedule would blow the stack. The trampoline manages the process of the self calls through the placement of the functions in a list, where each function is bounced back and forth explicitly, as shown in figure 7.2.

20 In other words, a function defined in a let can’t refer to a function defined later in the bindings vector because let doesn’t set up forward declarations, whereas letfn does.

Figure 7.2. Elevator trampoline: the trampoline function explicitly bounces between mutually recursive calls.

Here’s the operation of elevator given a few example schedules:

(elevator [:close :open :close :up :open :open :done])
;=> false

(elevator [:close :up :open :close :down :open :done])
;=> true

;; run at your own risk!
(elevator (cycle [:close :open]))
; ... runs forever

Like the recur special form, the trampoline for mutual recursion has a definitive syntactic and semantic cost on the structure of your code. But whereas the call to recur can be replaced by mundane recursion without too much effect, except at the edges, the rules for mutual recursion aren’t general. Having said that, the actual rules are simple:

1.  Make all functions participating in the mutual recursion return a function instead of their normal result. Normally this is as simple as tacking a # onto the front of the outer level of the function body.

2.  Invoke the first function in the mutual chain via the trampoline function.

The final example doesn’t cause a stack overflow because the trampoline function handles the calls explicitly. The typical use case for mutually recursive functions is a state machine, of which the elevator FSA is only a simple case.

7.3.4. Continuation-passing style

Before wrapping up this chapter, we’ll take time to talk about a style of programming not necessarily prevalent in Clojure, but more so in the functional tradition: continuation-passing style. Continuation-passing style (CPS) is a hybrid between recursion and mutual recursion, but with its own set of idioms. We won’t give you a deep survey of CPS, but this subsection should provide a reasonable overview for deeper exploration if you’re inclined.

The nutshell version of CPS is that it’s a way of generalizing a computation (Friedman 2001) by viewing it in terms of up to three functions:

  • Accept —Decides when a computation should terminate
  • Return —Wraps the return values
  • Continuation —Provides the next step in the computation

There’s a reason many sources on CPS use the factorial function as a base example: because it’s exceptionally illustrative. Here’s an example:

Although this approach is definitely different than the normal functional structure, it’s not exactly interesting in and of itself. The power of CPS is that you can extract more generic function builders using CPS. One such builder, shown next, can be used to make a range of functions that happen to fall into the same mold of a mathematical folding function.

If you look at the mk-cps function a little closer, you’ll notice that it builds the same structured code as fac-cps. The difference is that whereas fac-cps has its continuation calls hard-coded into the source, mk-cps takes its continuations as arguments and returns a closure that calls out to them later. Here’s an example of the use of mk-cps:

Although this is potentially a powerful technique, there are a number of reasons preventing its widespread adoption in Clojure:

  • Without generalized tail-call optimization, the number of continuation calls is bounded by the size of the stack. If your applications can guarantee a bounded execution path for the CPS calls, then this may not be a problem in practice.
  • In the case of exception handling, CPS can cause the point of failure to bubble out, especially on deferred computations such as in using delay, future, or promise.[21] In the abstract this may not seem to be a problem; but if your continuation function is supposed to throw the error, but an outer layer function is doing so instead, then bugs may be difficult to track down.

    21 Clojure’s future and promise will be discussed in detail in chapter 11.

  • In a language such as Haskell that has ubiquitous lazy evaluation and pure functions, it’s often not necessary to impose a strict order of execution. One way to impose a strict order of execution is to design your programs along the continuation-passing style. Although Clojure isn’t entirely lazy, the matter of out-of-order execution isn’t a factor against CPS. But CPS isn’t conducive to parallelization, which is antithetical to Clojure’s nature.

7.4. Putting it all together: A* pathfinding

A* is a best-first pathfinding algorithm that maintains a set of candidate paths through a “world” with the purpose of finding the least-difficult (Bratko 2000) path to some goal. The difficulty (or cost) of a path is garnered by the A* algorithm through the use of a function, which in this example is called total-cost, that builds an estimate of the total cost from a start point to the goal. The application of this cost-estimate function total-cost is used to sort the candidate paths (Hart 1968) in the order most likely to prove least costly.

7.4.1. The world

To represent the world, you’ll again use a simple 2D matrix representation:

(def world [[  1   1   1   1    1]
            [999 999 999 999    1]
            [  1   1   1   1    1]
            [  1 999 999 999  999]
            [  1   1   1   1    1]])

The world structure is made from the values 1 and 999 respectively, corresponding to flat ground and cyclopean mountains. What would you assume is the optimal path from the upper-left corner [0 0] to the lower-right [4 4]? Clearly the optimal (and only) option is the Z-shaped path around the walls. Implementing an A* algorithm should fit the bill, but first, we’ll talk a bit about how to do so.

7.4.2. Neighbors

For any given spot in the world, you need a way to calculate possible next steps. You can do this using brute force for small worlds, but a more general function is preferable. It turns out that if you restrict the possible moves to north, south, east, and west, then any given move is +/-1 along the x or y axis. Taking advantage of this fact, you can use the neighbors function from listing 5.1 as shown here:

(neighbors 5 [0 0])
;=> ([1 0] [0 1])

From the upper-left point, the only next steps are y=0, x=1 or y=1, x=0. Now that you have that, think about how you might estimate the path cost from any given point. A simple cost estimate turns out to be described as, “From the current point, calculate the expected cost by assuming you can travel to the right edge and then down to the lower-right.” An implementation of a function named estimate-cost[22] that estimates the remaining path cost is shown next.

22 In the literature on the A* algorithm, this function is typically called h.

Listing 7.3. Function to estimate the straight-line remaining path cost
(defn estimate-cost [step-cost-est size y x]
  (* step-cost-est

     (- (+ size size) y x 2)))
(estimate-cost 900 5 0 0)
;=> 7200
(estimate-cost 900 5 4 4)
;=> 0

From the y-x point [0 0], the cost of traveling 5 right and 5 down given an estimated single-step cost step-cost-est is 7200. This is a pretty straightforward estimate based on a straight-line path. Likewise, starting at the goal state [4 4] would cost nothing. Still needed is a function to calculate the cost of the path so far, named path-cost, which is provided in the following listing.[23]

23 In the literature on the A* algorithm, this function is typically called g.

Listing 7.4. Function to calculate the cost of the path traversed so far

Now that you’ve created an estimated-cost function and a current-cost function, you can implement a simple total-cost function.[24]

24 In the literature on the A* algorithm, this function is typically called f and is implemented as (+ (g ...) (h ...)).

Listing 7.5. Function to calculate the estimated total cost of the path
(defn total-cost [newcost step-cost-est size y x]
  (+ newcost
     (estimate-cost step-cost-est size y x)))

(total-cost 0 900 5 0 0)
;=> 7200

(total-cost 1000 900 5 3 4)
;=> 1900

(total-cost (path-cost 900 {:cost 1}) 900 5 3 4)
;=> 1801

The second example shows that if you’re one step away with a current cost of 1000, the total estimated cost is 1900, which is expected. The third example uses the result of path-cost to derive a total step cost, which is emblematic of how the two functions relate in the final A* implementation.

Now you have all the heuristic pieces in place. You may think we’ve simplified the heuristic needs of A*, but in fact this is all that there is to it. The actual implementation is complex, and you’ll it tackle next.

7.4.3. The A* implementation

Before we show the implementation of A*, you need one more auxiliary function, min-by, which retrieves from a collection the minimum value dictated by some function. The implementation of min-by is naturally a straightforward higher-order function, as shown next.

Listing 7.6. Function to retrieve the minimum value based on a criteria function

This function will come in handy when you want to grab the cheapest path determined by the cost heuristic.

We’ve delayed enough! Let’s finally implement the A* algorithm so that you navigate around the world. The following listing shows a tail-recursive solution.

Listing 7.7. Main A* algorithm

The main thrust of the astar function occurs when you check that (>= newcost oldcost). Once you’ve calculated newcost (the cost so far for the cheapest neighbor) and the cost-so-far oldcost, you perform one of two actions. The first action occurs when newcost is greater than or equal to oldcost: you throw away this new path, because it’s clearly a worse alternative. The other action is the core functionality corresponding to the constant sorting of work-todo, based on the cost of the path as determined by the heuristic function total-cost. The soul of A* is based on the fact that the potential paths stored in work-todo are always sorted and distinct (through the use of a sorted set) based on the estimated path cost function. Each recursive loop through the astar function maintains the sorted routes based on the current-cost knowledge of the path added to the estimated total cost.

The results given by the astar function for the Z-shaped world are shown in the next listing.

Listing 7.8. Running the A* algorithm on Z World
(astar [0 0]

;=> [{:cost 17,
      :yxs [[0 0] [0 1] [0 2] [0 3] [0 4] [1 4] [2 4]
            [2 3] [2 2] [2 1] [2 0] [3 0] [4 0] [4 1]
            [4 2] [4 3] [4 4]]}
     :steps 94]

By following the y-x indices, you’ll notice that the astar function traverses Z World along the path where cost is 1, as shown in figure 7.3.

Figure 7.3. A graphical representation of Z World clearly shows the optimal/only path.

You can also build another world called Shrubbery World, shown next, that contains a single weakling shrubbery at position [0 3] (represented by the number 2), and see how astar navigates it.

Listing 7.9. Shrubbery World

When tracing the best path, you see that the astar function prefers the non-shrubbery path. But what would happen if you placed a man-eating bunny along the previously safe path, represented by an ominously large number?

Listing 7.10. Bunny World

As expected, the astar function picks the shrubbery path (2) instead of the evil-bunny path to reach the final destination.

7.4.4. Notes about the A* implementation

Each of the data structures, from the sorted set, to the tail-recursive astar function, to the higher-order function min-by, is functional in nature and therefore extensible as a result. We encourage you to explore the vast array of possible worlds traversable by the A* implementation and see what happens should you change the heuristic (Dijkstra 1959) functions along the way. Clojure encourages experimentation, and by partitioning the solution this way, we’ve enabled you to explore different heuristics.

7.5. Summary

We’ve covered a lot about Clojure’s flavor of functional programming in this chapter, and you may have noticed that it looks like many others. Clojure favors an approach where immutable data is transformed through the application of functions. Additionally, Clojure prefers that functions be free of side effects and referentially transparent (pure) in order to reduce the complexities inherent in widespread data mutation. Lexical closures provide a simple yet powerful mechanism for defining functions that carry around with them the value context in which they were created. This allows certain information to exist beyond their lexical context, much like a poor-man’s object. Finally, Clojure is built with this in mind, in that its primary form of iteration is through tail recursion as a natural result of its focus on immutability.

In the next chapter, we’ll explore the feature most identified with Lisp: macros.

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