List of Figures

Chapter 1. GIS as a tool

Figure 1.1. Producing maps with ArcGIS API for JavaScript

Figure 1.2. The pieces that make up a web mapping application

Figure 1.3. ArcGIS Server provides access to GIS data, which is composed of different types of data, such as tabular, vector, terrain, streets, communities, and so on, via services.

Figure 1.4. Data served via ArcGIS Server is made available as various services; each service has a specific purpose.

Figure 1.5. The ArcGIS API for JavaScript is the only API that doesn’t require a browser plug-in.

Figure 1.6. A map can communicate many things but often asks a simple question.

Chapter 2. Introducing core API concepts

Figure 2.1. Your first mapping application

Figure 2.2. Zooming with the Shift-Left mouse click shortcut displays the extent coordinates.

Figure 2.3. Result of providing additional parameters for a new map

Figure 2.4. Depiction of map layers

Figure 2.5. Network tools showing downloaded map images

Figure 2.6. Adding Graphic features to the map

Figure 2.7. Census tracts in Los Angeles County represented as points

Figure 2.8. Displaying results of a QueryTask as graphics on the map

Figure 2.9. How a FeatureLayer might be generalized to optimize the data

Figure 2.10. How vector tiles might be requested for a map

Figure 2.11. Graphics displayed in a map using a FeatureLayer

Figure 2.12. Inspecting HTML to see how FeatureLayer provides data

Figure 2.13. FeatureLayer with DefinitionExpression of 'TOTAL_POP > 5000' applied

Figure 2.14. Interactive map application using a DefinitionExpression

Figure 2.15. Drawing a polygon (at left) to select features in a FeatureLayer (at right)

Chapter 3. Working with the REST API

Figure 3.1. Comparing ArcGIS components to sign-language interpretation

Figure 3.2. Relationship of ArcGIS Server components to the user

Figure 3.3. Sample ArcGIS Server page

Figure 3.4. JSON representation of legend endpoint

Figure 3.5. Legend graphics created by ArcGIS Server REST API (at left) and by legend widget (at right)

Figure 3.6. Custom legend widget built using Dojo Dijits

Figure 3.7. Chrome debug console comparing the use of an image URL and Base64-encoded data

Figure 3.8. Types of tasks the geometry service can do

Figure 3.9. The geometry service creates a buffer equal to one kilometer.

Figure 3.10. FeatureLayer features selected from a buffer

Figure 3.11. The geometry service displays an intersection of two areas.

Figure 3.12. Homes for sale in the intersected area

Chapter 4. Building an application

Figure 4.1. The application you’ll build in this chapter can work on a tablet and phone browsers.

Figure 4.2. ArcGIS Online can be used as a drop-in replacement for ArcGIS Server in some cases.

Figure 4.3. The main page for the ArcGIS for Developers site

Figure 4.4. The ArcGIS Online developer account page

Figure 4.5. The page for creating a feature service from the ArcGIS for Developers site

Figure 4.6. Creating a new feature service

Figure 4.7. Defining fields to be used in your feature service

Figure 4.8. Choosing a renderer for your feature service

Figure 4.9. Review the settings of your feature service before you publish it.

Figure 4.10. ArcGIS Online page for your feature service

Figure 4.11. ArcGIS REST page for your ArcGIS Online hosted feature service

Figure 4.12. Your application will look like this at the end of this chapter.

Figure 4.13. Recommended folder structure of an application

Figure 4.14. Demonstrating how Dojo tries to load modules

Figure 4.15. Result of the first draft of your web application

Figure 4.16. Adding the Census Tract map service to the application

Figure 4.17. The application after altering the appearance of the census tracts layer

Figure 4.18. Out-of-the-box ArcGIS TemplatePicker using your Request feature service

Figure 4.19. The application after adding the Bootstrap style sheet

Figure 4.20. Chrome debug console to debug style sheet conflicts

Figure 4.21. The Add Request toggle button changes based on user action

Chapter 5. Developing a custom data-collection application

Figure 5.1. Workflow of editing data with a feature service

Figure 5.2. Side-by-side comparison of the application using custom (left) and default (right) edit tools

Figure 5.3. List of hosted data in ArcGIS developer account

Figure 5.4. Where to find the URL for services in your ArcGIS developer account

Figure 5.5. Error message after adding the feature service to the application

Figure 5.6. Sign-in prompt when using Identity Manager

Figure 5.7. TemplatePicker displayed in your application

Figure 5.8. The Editor widget combined with TemplatePicker allows adding new features to the map.

Figure 5.9. This custom edit tool looks incredibly simple.

Figure 5.10. Browser debug window showing a mapPoint in the map click event

Figure 5.11. Graphic object returned with a map click event

Figure 5.12. This alert lets you know the request was added successfully.

Figure 5.13. This native JavaScript prompt asks for a description of the request.

Figure 5.14. The application when adding a request

Figure 5.15. Add the Sync button to sync local storage data with the server.

Figure 5.16. Proxy settings in Google Chrome

Figure 5.17. Setting up a fake proxy to test disconnected use

Figure 5.18. The feature is saved to local storage.

Figure 5.19. The features are added as graphics when added to local storage.

Chapter 6. Building a desktop browser application

Figure 6.1. Providing desktop GIS software (literally) in the browser overwhelms users and should be avoided.

Figure 6.2. No-frills base application

Figure 6.3. My Applications page of ArcGIS developer account

Figure 6.4. Page to create a new application

Figure 6.5. OAuth credentials of the RequestViewer application

Figure 6.6. ArcGIS sign-in page for RequestViewer application

Figure 6.7. The application now displays a navigation bar with one link.

Figure 6.8. Adding the Measurement widget to the application provides tools to measure area, length, and coordinates of a location.

Figure 6.9. Example usage of the Measurement widget

Figure 6.10. Clicking Measure in the navigation bar toggles visibility of the Measurement widget.

Figure 6.11. To toggle between the Hybrid and Streets basemaps, click the BasemapToggle widget.

Figure 6.12. The request’s symbol changes to indicate that its location is being edited.

Figure 6.13. AttributeInspector allows users to edit the data.

Figure 6.14. AttributeInspector enhanced with web service data

Chapter 7. Advanced techniques

Figure 7.1. Map created from JSON configuration

Figure 7.2. Geocoder widget added to the application

Figure 7.3. Two widgets loaded dynamically

Figure 7.4. LocateButton added to tool-container div as specified in the configuration for the widget

Figure 7.5. ArcGIS Online sign-in page

Figure 7.6. ArcGIS Online account page

Figure 7.7. Page to make a custom map on ArcGIS Online

Figure 7.8. Menu to search for layers in the ArcGIS Online map editor

Figure 7.9. Saving a map in ArcGIS Online

Figure 7.10. Steps to share a web map

Figure 7.11. Finding the web map ID in the URL of the map details page

Figure 7.12. ArcGIS Online web map displayed in ArcGIS API for JavaScript application

Figure 7.13. Map created from web map JSON

Figure 7.14. Map with operational layers added via configuration

Figure 7.15. Pop-up on map defined in configuration for layer

Figure 7.16. Renderer of a layer defined in the configuration file

Figure 7.17. List of files used in the web application

Figure 7.18. Chrome Network tab showing files that are cached

Figure 7.19. Syncing locally stored data to the server

Appendix B. Dojo basics

Figure B.1. How files that define modules are related to other files that require them

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