Selecting the appropriate layer for our solution

This choice of layer is normally straightforward. As an ISV, we will use the ISV layer; as a VAR, the VAR layer; and so on.

We can sometimes choose, as the end user between the higher layers, CUS and USR. It does not normally matter which, as long as we stick to it. Incorporating more layers adds to the maintenance cost.

The main reason for using both CUS and USR is when we (as an end user organization) have multiple installations of AX that share a common base application. We would manage the CUS layer centrally, and each installation will be responsible for their installation-specific customizations in the USR layer.

The layer is selected in the AX Configuration Utility. To change the current layer, follow these steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Configuration Utility. This is accessed from the Administrative Tools Windows program group.
  2. Select the desired configuration from the Configuration drop-down list and select the Developer tab.
  3. Select the appropriate layer from the Application object layer to open drop-down list.
  4. If the layer is not usr, you will need to enter the development license code in the field Development license code, and again in Confirm license code.
  5. Press OK.

When we open the AX client the next time, the configured layer will be used.

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