Code snippet – code commenting

To simplify and bring consistency to code commenting, we use an editor script to add comments. This is a simplified version of what we use internally.

We need to edit a standard class to do this, and since some scripts are better when split into methods, we'll create a new class in order to minimize the number of changes.

Create a new class, ConXppCodeSnippets, and add the following method:

public static NotesLine commentText()
    return strFmt("%1 modification by %4 on %5: ", "Con",
                  currentAOLayer(), curUserId(), 
                  date2str(systemDateGet(), 321,2,4,2,4,4));

We can also use this in other methods and extend it, so that we can get data from a parameter table. In the EditorScripts class, create the following method:

public void contoso_comment(Editor editor)
    int currentLine = editor.currentLineNo();
    int currentCol = editor.columnNo();
    str prefix = "";
    if(currentCol == 0)
        currentCol = 4;
        prefix = strRep(' ', 4);
    editor.insertLines(prefix+'// ' + 
                       ConXppCodeSnippets::commentText() + '

    editor.insertString(strRep(' ', currentCol));


Restart AX, and look at the Scripts menu. It has created the Contoso submenu, with Comment as an option.

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