Creating cues and cue groups

Cues are a simple representation of the results of a query. They show the number of records returned by that query and, optionally, some aggregate data from those records.

A cue group is a part that displays one or more cues. Cue groups can be found in two places, on a role center, helping direct a user to what is important, (for example, quickly navigating to the list of orders on hold for a key customer), and also on a form, providing navigation to data related to the current record.

A good example of a cue group is on the All customers list page, which shows four cues, as shown here:

Creating cues and cue groups

Cues require a menu item that targets the destination form and a query. The query can be the form's standard query, or one with additional filters and even additional data sources. The restriction is that the query must be compatible. This means that the root data source must be the same and it must have the same child data sources within its definition. We are free to add ranges to any data source in the query if we want to show a subset of data.

To ensure compatibility, we should use composite queries wherever possible, as these restrict us to only adding ranges. These are covered in Chapter 6, Extending the Solution.

Although cues show aggregate data (quantity and optionally value), they are intended to take you to a form, which is typically a list page. The system determines the query from the menu item associated with the cue using the menu item's Query property. To show data filtered to our needs, we need to create a query and a menu item first.

We will create a cue to show the service history of the vehicle and also the associated appointments. We will also create a preview part that shows summary information about the vehicle's service history, which may be all the user needs to see and will avoid having to navigate away from the vehicle form.

Creating the service history cue

In the case of a vehicle service list page, the target form's data source has a direct relation with the vehicle table. In this case, we need a menu item that references the target list page and a query.

The existing vehicle services menu item references the right form, but not a query, so we need a new menu item. This can be created by duplicating this menu item and associating it with the list page's query. We don't need to filter this beyond the current vehicle record, so using the list page's query is fine. Should there be a need, we could supplant the query on our menu item at that point.


The query will actually replace the target form's query (even if the form is not based on a query), which means we aren't strictly limited to calling list pages.

We then create a cue referencing the menu item and add it to a cue group. It is the cue group that we add to a form, again via a menu item. The following steps are the way to do this:

  1. Right-click on the ConFMSVehServiceTableListPage display menu item and select Duplicate.
  2. Rename this to ConFMSVehServiceTableListPageCue.
  3. Set the Query property to ConFMSVehServiceTableListPage.


    Although this is a very simple menu item, we should always test it so that it opens the target form and displays the expected data, all vehicle service records in this case.

  4. Right-click on the node, go to Parts | Cues, and then go to New | Cue.
  5. Rename this cue to ConFMSVehServiceTableListPageCue.
  6. Set the caption to Vehicle services and locate the label.


    It is common to give a slightly longer description here, if it helps the user understand the information being shown.

  7. Set the menu item to ConFMSVehServiceTableListPageCue.


    AX will check at this point whether the menu item has a query, and will reject it if it does not.

  8. Right-click on the Cue Groups node, which is under Parts, and go to New | Cue Group.
  9. This is meant to display related information to a vehicle, so rename it to ConVehicleRelatedInfoCueGroup.
  10. Set the label to Related information and create a new label.
  11. Save all changes.
  12. Drag the cue ConFMSVehServiceTableListPageCue onto the new cue group.
  13. Create a new menu item called ConVehicleRelatedInfoCueGroup, and set ObjectType to CueGroup and Object to ConVehicleRelatedInfoCueGroup.
  14. Save all changes.
  15. Drag the new menu item onto the Parts node in the ConFMSVehicleTabeListPage form.
  16. On the form's new ConVehicleRelatedInfoGroup part, set the DataSource property to ConFMSVehicleTable and the IsLinked property to Yes.
  17. In order to test this, we need to restart the client.
  18. Once the client opens, open ConFMSVehicleTableListPage and note that there is a link to the Vehicle services, with a quantity showing the number of service records. Clicking on this link will open the service list page showing records related with the vehicle. This is shown in the following screenshot:
    Creating the service history cue

When you click on the Vehicle services cue, the data is automatically filtered based on the selected vehicle. This is done using a feature called a Dynalink. This is a mechanism that creates a dynamic link between the caller and the form that is opened.

To see this link, click on the new Vehicle services cue for a vehicle that has one or more services. Then right-click on this form and select Personalize.

The following screenshot shows the Query tab of this form. The Dynalink node does not filter on a specific value, but sets up a relation with the calling form's data source.

Creating the service history cue

Creating a Preview part for the cue

We can take this further and display a form part that will display a list of services, removing the need to actually navigate to the vehicle service table if the user simply wants to see the list.

The form part is simple, create a form for the form part as before. Name the form ConFMSVehServiceTableCuePart, as we will use this only on a cue.

The form should have the table ConFMSVehServiceTable as a data source. Then, add a grid based on the Overview field group. Set the grid's Width and Height properties to Column width and Column height respectively.

Remember these key points about form parts:

  • The data sources must have AllowEdit, AllowCreate, AllowDelete, InsertAtEnd, and InsertIfEmpty set to No.
  • Design must have Style set to FormPart.

Once you have created the form part and the associated menu item, use this in the PreviewPartReference property of the cue.

To test this, simply hover the mouse over the Vehicle services link, as shown here:

Creating a Preview part for the cue

Creating an appointment cue

We can create a cue to any list page or form whose root data source has a relation with the list page's data source.

An important exception to this rule is where the target form clears dynamic links. Sometimes, we don't want the system to automatically filter the form based on the caller and in this case we can call a clearDynalinks function on the data source object.

An example of this behavior is to be found in the TMSAppointment form, which clears this link in init and can be found by navigating to Data Sources | TMSAppointment | Methods, as shown in the following code extract:

public void init()
    QueryBuildDataSource qbds;


    qbds = tmsAppointment_q.dataSourceTable(

In order to create a cue to the appointment form, we have to modify this form to not to clear the dynamic links when it is called from our form. This is best done using element.args().dataset(), as shown here:

public void init()
    QueryBuildDataSource qbds;

    // Con 2014/09/07 – 6015-06 - modification by SB:
    // Do not clear dynaLinks if called from a 
    // ConFMSVehicleTable record
    boolean              conFMSDoNotClearDL;
        case tableNum(ConFMSVehicleTable):
            conFMSDoNotClearDL = true;
    // Con – 6015-06 end

    qbds = tmsAppointment_q.dataSourceTable(tableNum(TMSAppointment));
    // Con 2014/09/07 – 6015-06 - modification by SB:
    // Do not clear dynaLinks if called from a 
    // ConFMSVehicleTable record
    // original code was to always qbds.clearDynalinks();
    // Con – 6015-06 end

The code to determine whether it should clear dynamic links should be in a method on the TMSAppointment table to make it reusable. Also, to remove the number of custom lines of code in a standard method, it is placed inline here for clarity. In any case, this example has been included to show you how this particular issue could be solved. However, most of the time, cues will be related to information in a list page or details form and we will probably never come across this problem.


By making this change, we have added a task to any upgrade or hotfix that updates this form.

Now that the appointments form allows dynamic links, we can proceed to create our cue. The creation of this cue is the same as that of the service history cue, which is done with the following steps:

  1. Create a ConFMSAppointmentVehicleCue query with a single data source named TMSAppointment.
  2. Create a ConFMSAppointmentVehicleCue display menu item, setting Object to TMSAppointment and the query to ConFMSAppointmentVehicleCue.
  3. Create a cue called ConFMSAppointmentVehicleCue, setting an appropriate label, and set MenuItemName to ConFMSAppointmentVehicleCue.
  4. Drag the new cue onto the ConFMSVehicleRelatedInfoCueGroup cue group.
  5. Save all changes and restart the client.

Feel free to write a preview part and attach this to the cue, as we did for the vehicle services cue.

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