Chapter 6. The XMPP Protocol

In the previous chapter, we saw the benefits of using message brokers to cross firewall boundaries. But the MQTT protocol is limited to a single communication pattern: the publish/subscribe pattern. This is useful in cases where a thing only publishes data and has many consumers of its data, and where data is homogenous and most reported data items are actually used. If individually tailored messages, momentary values, or real-time or bidirectional communication is important, or if data is seldom used compared to the frequency with which it is updated, other communication patterns would be more appropriate.

In this chapter, we will introduce the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) protocol. The XMPP protocol also uses message brokers to bypass firewall barriers. But apart from the publish/subscribe pattern, it also supports other communication patterns, such as point-to-point request/response and asynchronous messaging, that allow you to have a richer communication experience. You will learn about:

  • The basic operations available in XMPP
  • How to add XMPP support to a generic device
  • How to use provisioning to add an extra layer of security for your device
  • How to communicate between our devices using XMPP
  • How to configure your network using the provisioning server


    All the source code presented in this book is available for download. The source code for this chapter and the next can be downloaded from

XMPP basics

XMPP was originally designed for use in instant messaging applications (or chat). It is an open protocol, standardized by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), as are HTTP and CoAP. Even though it was first designed for chat applications, it lends itself very well to other applications, such as the ones for IoT, due to its flexibility and richness of communication patterns. Before we start using XMPP in our projects, it might be a good idea to have a quick overview of what XMPP is.

Federating for global scalability

The XMPP architecture builds on the tremendous success and global scalability of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). The difference is that XMPP is designed for real-time instantaneous messaging applications, where smaller messages are sent with as little latency as possible and without any persistence.

XMPP uses a federated network of XMPP servers as message brokers to allow clients behind separate firewalls to communicate with each other. Each server controls its own domain and authenticates users on that domain. Clients can communicate with clients on other domains through the use of federation where the servers create connections between themselves in a secure manner to interchange messages between their domains. It is this federation that allows you to have a globally scalable architecture. All of this happens at the server level, so there is nothing that clients need to worry about. They only need to ensure that they maintain the connection with their respective servers, and through the servers, each of them will have the possibility to send messages to any other client in the federated network. It is this architecture of federation that makes XMPP scalable and allows you to make billions of devices communicate with each other in the same federated network.

The following illustration shows how clients (C1, C2, and C3) behind firewalls connect to different servers (S1, S2, and S3) in a federated network to exchange messages:

Federating for global scalability

A small federated XMPP network

Providing a global identity

XMPP servers do more than relay messages between clients. They also provide each client with an authenticated identity. If the server is a public server in the global federated network of XMPP servers, it is a global identity. When clients connect, the servers make sure the clients authenticate themselves by providing their corresponding client credentials, which would consist of a username and password. This authentication is done securely using an extensible architecture based on Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL). The connection can also be switched over to Transport Layer Security (TLS) through negotiation between the client and the server, encrypting the communication between them. The identity of the client is often called XMPP address or Jabber ID (JID).


The XMPP protocol was developed in a project named Jabber. For this reason, many terminologies retain this name.

Each connection is also bound to a specific resource, which is normally a random string. Together, the username, domain name, and resource constitute the full JID of a connection, while only the username and domain name constitute the bare JID of an account.

Providing a global identity

Authorizing communication

Another important reason for using XMPP servers to relay communication instead of serverless peer-to-peer technologies is to assure the clients that only authorized communication will be relayed. This feature comes in handy, especially for small devices with limited decision-making capabilities. The server does so by ensuring that the full JID identifier instead of only the bare JID identifier is used to communicate with the application or device behind it. The reason is twofold:

  • First, multiple clients might use the same account at the same time. You need to provide the resource part of the full JID for the XMPP Server to be able to determine which connection the corresponding message should be forwarded to. Only this connection will receive the message. This enables the actual clients to have direct communication between them.
  • Second, only trusted parties (or friends) are given access to the resource part once the thing or application is connected. This means that, in turn, only friends can send messages between each other, as long as the resource parts are sufficiently long and random so they cannot be guessed and the resource part is kept hidden and not published somewhere else.

Sensing online presence

To learn about the resource part of a corresponding client, you send a presence subscription to its bare JID. If accepted by the remote client, you will receive presence messages every time the state of the contact is changed, informing you whether it is online, offline, away, busy, and so on. In this presence message, you will also receive the full JID of the contact. Once a presence subscription has been accepted by the remote device, it might send you a presence subscription of its own, which you can either accept or reject. If both the parties accept it and subscribe to the presence from each other, then parties are said to be friends.


In XMPP, there might be multiple clients that use the same bare JID. In solutions where this is the case, you would need to keep track of all the full JIDs reported to you for each bare JID. But for all the examples in this book, we assume that each thing has its own JID and that only the corresponding thing will use its JID.

If you, during development time, use another client to connect to an account used by a live thing, you might confuse it with its friends as your connection will send presence messages to all these friends. They might therefore direct the communication to the last application that was connected. When this application is closed down, you will need to reset, reconnect, or reset the presence status in the corresponding thing for its friends to be updated of the correct full JID to communicate with.

XMPP servers maintain lists of contacts for each account and their corresponding presence subscription statuses. These lists are called rosters. The client only needs to connect and then receive its roster from the server. This makes it possible to move the application between physical platforms and unnecessary to store contact information in the physical device.

Using XML

XMPP communication consists of bidirectional streams of XML fragments. The reason for using XML has been debated since it affects message sizes negatively when compared to binary alternatives, but it has many positive implications as well. These can be listed as follows:

  • Having a fixed content format makes the interchange and reuse of data simpler
  • XML is simple to encode, decode, and parse, making data telegrams well-defined
  • Using a text format makes telegrams readable by humans, which makes documentation and debugging simpler
  • XML has standard tools for searching validation and transformation, which permits advanced operations and analysis to be performed on data without previous knowledge about message formats
  • Through the use of XML namespaces, messages can be separated between protocol extensions and versioning is supported


    In cases where the message size is important, there are methods in XMPP that help compress XML to very efficient binary messages using Efficient XML Interchange (EXI).

Communication patterns

XMPP supports a rich set of communication patterns. It does this by providing three communication primitives called stanzas. We've already presented the first of these, the presence stanza. This is used to send information about oneself to interested and authorized parties. The second is the message stanza. This is used to send asynchronous messages to a given receiver. The third is the iq stanza, short for information/query. This stanza is used to provide a request/response communication pattern. A request is sent to a given receiver, which returns a response or an error, as appropriate.

There are four different kinds of receivers of stanzas. First, you have the peer. To communicate with a peer, you provide the full JID of the peer connection as the destination address of your stanza. Then you have a server. To communicate with a server directly, you use the domain name of the server as the destination address. A server might host server components of various kinds. These might be internal or external components hosted by external applications. These components are addressed using a corresponding subdomain name and can be dynamically discovered using simple requests to the server. Finally, you have a contact. To communicate with a contact, which is implicitly handled by your server and the server handling the contact, depending on the type of message, you need to use the base JID of the contact as the address.

Further communication patterns are provided by different server components hosted by the XMPP servers. Examples of such patterns include the publish/subscribe pattern, where data items are propagated to the subscribers, and the multicast pattern (in XMPP, this is called the multiuser chat), where messages are propagated to the members of a room in real time.

Extending XMPP

So, through the use of XML, XMPP provides a protocol that is open, easy to use, extensible, and flexible. This has led to a series of extensions being created. Anybody can create proprietary extensions to XMPP, but there exists an open forum called XMPP Standards Foundation (XSF) that publishes a set of extensions which are openly reviewed and discussed within the forum and free for anybody to use. These extensions are called XMPP Extension Protocols (XEPs). XSF publishes such extensions to promote interoperability. Anybody can apply to become a member and thus work to promote the development of new or existing extensions.


XSF manages lists of extensions, the available server and client software, client libraries, and so on. XSF can be found at Specifically, all XMPP extensions can be found at

Procedural extensions that are accepted for publication pass through three levels of acceptance. First, there is the experimental stage where an extension is recognized as the factor that would provide a solution for an important use case but is still under discussion and can undergo significant changes in the process. The next step is the draft stage where the extension has undergone extensive discussion and technical review. Any changes made to an extension in this stage should always be made in a backward-compatible manner if possible. The last stage is the final stage where changes are no longer made.

At the time of writing this, there is a sequence of new experimental extensions published by XSF, aimed at IoT. We will use these extensions in our examples. To improve interoperability, the source code for the implementation of these extensions has also been included in the Clayster.Library.IoT library. These extensions include extensions to communicate with sensor data or control actuators, sending asynchronous events based on subscriber-specific conditions. They also include extensions to register devices securely and provision the services in the networks. Furthermore, all our examples will avoid the storage of sensitive information centrally. Instead, data will be made available on request and only given to a trusted few by the owner-approved parties.

Connecting to a server

There are various methods available to connect to an XMPP server. The most common method, the one we will use in the examples in this book, is for a client to connect through a normal TCP socket connection to either xmpp-client service if access to DNS-SRV records is available, or port 5222 if not. XML fragments are then transported in both the directions, as described in RFC 6120-6122.


EXI compression can be negotiated over this connection if supported by the server. An alternative binding method is to connect to the xmpp-bclient service directly to avoid having to switch over from XML to an EXI compressed XML.

An alternative way to connect to an XMPP server is by using Bidirectional streams Over Synchronous HTTP (BOSH). This allows clients with access to only the HTTP protocol to use XMPP as well. Some servers also publish XMPP over web socket interfaces. This makes it possible to access the XMPP network for clients, such as web browsers and so on.

XMPP servers also receive connections from other XMPP servers. This is part of the federation feature of XMPP. These servers connect to each other using the xmpp-server service name if DNS-SRV records are available, or port 5269 if not.

A final method worth mentioning to connect to a server is through a special port (5275) that the server components can connect to. This port must not be open on the Internet but can be used to extend the functionality of the XMPP server, as described earlier. The following diagram displays the functionality of the XMPP server with respect to the Internet architecture:

Connecting to a server

Provisioning for added security

In this chapter, we will introduce several new communication patterns that are useful for things in IoT. One such paradigm is the creation of identity, where things by themselves create their own identity on the network. Once a thing has created an identity on the network, we will introduce a way to register the thing, discover it, and safely claim ownership of it. Once the ownership has been claimed, we can then use the provisioning extension to delegate trust to a trusted third party, a provisioning server, which we will then use to control who can connect to our devices and what they can do.

To achieve discovery and provisioning, which work as server components, we will need support from a server that hosts such components. For this reason, we will use the XMPP server available at This server also has a web interface at where users can control their claimed devices.

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