Adding HTTP support to the controller

We now have a sensor and an actuator that speaks HTTP. To tie these together, we also need to add HTTP to the controller. The controller will act as an HTTP client, as opposed to our previous examples where each application acted as an HTTP server. We will use the HttpSocketClient class to access the web resources provided by the sensor. We will create our connection to our sensor, as follows:

HttpSocketClient HttpClient;
HttpClient = new HttpSocketClient ("", 80, new DigestAuthentication ("Peter", "Waher"));
HttpClient.ReceiveTimeout = 30000;
HttpClient.Open ();

Here, we will add the client-side version of the digest authentication scheme found in Clayster.Library.Internet.HTTP.ClientCredentials. We will also specify a timeout of 30,000 milliseconds since we will use the even subscription mechanism of retrieving data from the sensor.

To get data from the sensor is easy. All that is needed to do is get the XML using the GET method and call the UpdateFields() method described in the previous chapter, to parse the XML and flag any corresponding control actions:

HttpResponse Response = HttpClient.GET (Resource);
Xml = Response.Xml;
if (UpdateFields (Xml))
  hasValues = true;
  CheckControlRules ();

The first time we access the sensor, we just get the sensor data in the normal way by using the following code:

Resource = "/xml?Momentary=1&Light=1&Motion=1";

Subscribing to events

Now that we know the current state of the sensor, we only need to get data from the sensor when it implies a control action change. Instead of constantly polling the sensor using the resource above, we will use the event resources published by the sensor. This is detailed in Appendix H, Delayed Responses in HTTP. There are nine different states and by knowing the current control states, we can calculate when these states will change.

States can change when the state of LEDs change, when the motion changes and when the light is below 20 percent. So, we need to check the distance of the light density to one of these three states: when one more LED is lit, when one more LED is unlit, or when the light reaches 20 percent. This can be done with the following code:

int NrLeds = (int)System.Math.Round ((8 * lightPercent) / 100);
double LightNextStepDown = 100 * (NrLeds - 0.1) / 8;
double LightNextStepUp = 100 * (NrLeds + 1) / 8;
double DistDown = System.Math.Abs (lightPercent - LightNextStepDown);
double DistUp = System.Math.Abs (LightNextStepUp - lightPercent);
double Dist20 = System.Math.Abs (20 - lightPercent);
double MinDist = System.Math.Min (System.Math.Min (DistDown, DistUp), Dist20);

We will also impose a minimum distance, in case we are very close to a tipping point:

if (MinDist < 1)
  MinDist = 1;

We can then create the resource string that would let us subscribe to an event from the sensor that is tailored to our needs:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
sb.Append ("/event/xml?Light=");
sb.Append (XmlUtilities.DoubleToString (lightPercent, 1));
sb.Append ("&LightDiff=");
sb.Append (XmlUtilities.DoubleToString (MinDist, 1));
sb.Append ("&Motion=");
sb.Append (motion ? "1" : "0");
sb.Append ("&Timeout=25");
Resource = sb.ToString ();

We will then put the previous code in the main loop, and keep subscribing to events from the sensor. In turn the sensor will simply wait until the corresponding event occurs or the request times out. If the event subscription times out, the controller will at least get the latest momentary values on which the next event subscription will be based.


A timeout argument is used to tell the client how long it should wait (in seconds) before returning an empty response. Such a timeout is necessary since the underlying TCP connection will be dropped if no communication occurs within a given time period. This time depends on the network and the routers used between the client and the server. When the possibly empty response is returned a new, similar request will be made immediately.

Creating the control thread

Control of the actuator will be done in a separate thread so that sensor communication is not affected. From the main thread, we can start the control thread, as follows:

Thread ControlThread;
ControlThread = new Thread (ControlHttp);
ControlThread.Name = "Control HTTP";
ControlThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal;
ControlThread.Start ();

When terminating the application, we will simply abort the thread by calling the Abort() method:

ControlThread.Abort ();
ControlThread = null;

The control thread in itself is a very simple thread. It simply waits for events to occur, based on what happens to the two AutoResetEvent objects defined earlier:

private static void ControlHttp ()
    WaitHandle[] Handles = new WaitHandle[]
      {updateLeds, updateAlarm };
    while (true)
        switch (WaitHandle.WaitAny (Handles, 1000))
      catch (Exception ex)
        Log.Exception (ex);
  catch (ThreadAbortException)
    Thread.ResetAbort ();
  catch (Exception ex)
    Log.Exception (ex);

The static WaitHandle.WaitAny() method waits for an event to occur on any of the event objects available in the array. It returns a zero-based index to the event object that was triggered and a negative value when the operation times out. Only one event object can trigger at the a time. Furthermore, the AutoResetEvent objects, as the name implies, auto-reset themselves when they are triggered in the thread. This means that they can be set again from the other thread and trigger a new event.

Controlling the actuator

The first event object is updateLeds. It is set when the LEDs on the actuator needs to be changed. The lastLedMask variable contains the state of how the LEDs should be lit. We perform the LED control by using the REST interface on our web service method that we defined earlier:

case 0:// Update LEDS
  int i;
  lock (synchObject)
    i = lastLedMask;
  HttpUtilities.GET ("http://Peter:[email protected]/ws/?" + "op=SetDigitalOutputs&Values=" + i.ToString ());

Note how it is possible to include the user credentials in the URL directly. HttpUtilities will make the corresponding operations necessary to connect, and authenticate itself, and the GET method fetches the contents from the corresponding resource.

The second event object concerns itself with the status of the alarm output. The lastAlarm variable contains the desired state of the alarm output. Also, we perform the alarm control using the REST interface to the corresponding web service method defined in the actuator project:

case 1:// Update Alarm
  bool b;
  lock (synchObject)
    b = lastAlarm.Value;
  HttpUtilities.GET (http://Peter:[email protected]/ws/?+ "op=SetAlarmOutput&Value=" + (b ? "true" : "false"));
..................Content has been hidden....................

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