Modes of attack

To write an exhaustive list of different modes of attack that you can expect would require a book by itself. Instead, just a brief introduction to some of the most common forms of attack is provided here. It is important to have these methods in mind when designing the communication architecture to use for IoT applications.

Denial of Service

A Denial of Service (DoS) or Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is normally used to make a service on the Internet crash or become unresponsive, and in some cases, behave in a way that it can be exploited. The attack consists in making repetitive requests to a server until its resources gets exhausted. In a distributed version, the requests are made by many clients at the same time, which obviously increases the load on the target. It is often used for blackmailing or political purposes.

However, as the attack gets more effective and difficult to defend against when the attack is distributed and the target centralized, the attack gets less effective if the solution itself is distributed. To guard against this form of attack, you need to build decentralized solutions where possible. In decentralized solutions, each target's worth is less, making it less interesting to attack.

Guessing the credentials

One way to get access to a system is to impersonate a client in the system by trying to guess the client's credentials. To make this type of attack less effective, make sure each client and each device has a long and unique, perhaps randomly generated, set of credentials. Never use preset user credentials that are the same for many clients or devices or factory default credentials that are easy to reset. Furthermore, set a limit to the number of authentication attempts per time unit permitted by the system; also, log an event whenever this limit is reached, from where to which credentials were used. This makes it possible for operators to detect systematic attempts to enter the system.

Getting access to stored credentials

One common way to illicitly enter a system is when user credentials are found somewhere else and reused. Often, people reuse credentials in different systems. There are various ways to avoid this risk from happening. One is to make sure that credentials are not reused in different devices or across different services and applications. Another is to randomize credentials, lessening the desire to reuse memorized credentials. A third way is to never store actual credentials centrally, even encrypted if possible, and instead store hashed values of these credentials. This is often possible since authentication methods use hash values of credentials in their computations. Furthermore, these hashes should be unique to the current installation. Even though some hashing functions are vulnerable in such a way that a new string can be found that generates the same hash value, the probability that this string is equal to the original credentials is miniscule. And if the hash is computed uniquely for each installation, the probability that this string can be reused somewhere else is even more remote.

Man in the middle

Another way to gain access to a system is to try and impersonate a server component in a system instead of a client. This is often referred to as a Man in the middle (MITM) attack. The reason for the middle part is that the attacker often does not know how to act in the server and simply forwards the messages between the real client and the server. In this process, the attacker gains access to confidential information within the messages, such as client credentials, even if the communication is encrypted. The attacker might even try to modify messages for their own purposes.

To avoid this type of attack, it's important for all clients (not just a few) to always validate the identity of the server it connects to. If it is a high-value entity, it is often identified using a certificate. This certificate can both be used to verify the domain of the server and encrypt the communication. Make sure this validation is performed correctly, and do not accept a connection that is invalid or where the certificate has been revoked, is self-signed, or has expired.

Another thing to remember is to never use an unsecure authentication method when the client authenticates itself with the server. If a server has been compromised, it might try to fool clients into using a less secure authentication method when they connect. By doing so, they can extract the client credentials and reuse them somewhere else. By using a secure authentication method, the server, even if compromised, will not be able to replay the authentication again or use it somewhere else. The communication is valid only once.

Sniffing network communication

If communication is not encrypted, everybody with access to the communication stream can read the messages using simple sniffing applications, such as Wireshark. If the communication is point-to-point, this means the communication can be heard by any application on the sending machine, the receiving machine, or any of the bridges or routers in between. If a simple hub is used instead of a switch somewhere, everybody on that network will also be able to eavesdrop. If the communication is performed using multicast messaging service, as can be done in UPnP and CoAP, anybody within the range of the Time to live (TTL) parameter (maximum number of router hops) can eavesdrop.

Remember to always use encryption if sensitive data is communicated. If data is private, encryption should still be used, even if the data might not be sensitive at first glance. A burglar can know if you're at home by simply monitoring temperature sensors, water flow meters, electricity meters, or light switches at your home. Small variations in temperature alert to the presence of human beings. Change in the consumption of electrical energy shows whether somebody is cooking food or watching television. The flow of water shows whether somebody is drinking water, flushing a toilet, or taking a shower. No flow of water or a relatively regular consumption of electrical energy tells the burglar that nobody is at home. Light switches can also be used to detect presence, even though there are applications today that simulate somebody being home by switching the lights on and off.


If you haven't done so already, make sure to download a sniffer to get a feel of what you can and cannot see by sniffing the network traffic. Wireshark can be downloaded from

Port scanning and web crawling

Port scanning is a method where you systematically test a range of ports across a range of IP addresses to see which ports are open and serviced by applications. This method can be combined with different tests to see the applications that might be behind these ports. If HTTP servers are found, standard page names and web-crawling techniques can be used to try to figure out which web resources lie behind each HTTP server. CoAP is even simpler since devices often publish well-known resources. Using such simple brute-force methods, it is relatively easy to find (and later exploit) anything available on the Internet that is not secured.

To avoid any private resources being published unknowingly, make sure to close all the incoming ports in any firewalls you use. Don't use protocols that require incoming connections. Instead, use protocols that create the connections from inside the firewall. Any resources published on the Internet should be authenticated so that any automatic attempt to get access to them fails.

Always remember that information that might seem trivial to an individual might be very interesting if collected en masse. This information might be coveted not only by teenage pranksters but by public relations and marketing agencies, burglars, and government agencies (some would say this is a repetition).

Search features and wildcards

Don't make the mistake of thinking it's difficult to find the identities of devices published on the Internet. Often, it's the reverse. For devices that use multicast communication, such as those using UPnP and CoAP, anybody can listen in and see who sends the messages. For devices that use single-cast communication, such as those using HTTP or CoAP, port-scanning techniques can be used. For devices that are protected by firewalls and use message brokers to protect against incoming attacks, such as those that use XMPP and MQTT, search features or wildcards can be used to find the identities of devices managed by the broker, and in the case of MQTT, even what they communicate.

You should always assume that the identity of all devices can be found, and that there's an interest in exploiting the device. For this reason, it's very important that each device authenticates any requests made to it if possible. Some protocols help you more with this than others, while others make such authentication impossible.

XMPP only permits messages from accepted friends. The only thing the device needs to worry about is which friend requests to accept. This can be either configured by somebody else with access to the account or by using a provisioning server if the device cannot make such decisions by itself. The device does not need to worry about client authentication, as this is done by the brokers themselves, and the XMPP brokers always propagate the authenticated identities of everybody who send them messages.

MQTT, on the other hand, resides in the other side of the spectrum. Here, devices cannot make any decision about who sees the published data or who makes a request since identities are stripped away by the protocol. The only way to control who gets access to the data is by building a proprietary end-to-end encryption layer on top of the MQTT protocol, thereby limiting interoperability.

In between the two resides protocols such as HTTP and CoAP that support some level of local client authentication but lacks a good distributed identity and authentication mechanism. This is vital for IoT even though this problem can be partially solved in local intranets.

Breaking ciphers

Many believe that by using encryption, data is secure. This is not the case, as discussed previously, since the encryption is often only done between connected parties and not between end users of data (the so-called end-to-end encryption). At most, such encryption safeguards from eavesdropping to some extent. But even such encryption can be broken, partially or wholly, with some effort.

Ciphers can be broken using known vulnerabilities in code where attackers exploit program implementations rather than the underlying algorithm of the cipher. This has been the method used in the latest spectacular breaches in code based on the OpenSSL library. To protect yourselves from such attacks, you need to be able to update code in devices remotely, which is not always possible.

Other methods use irregularities in how the cipher works to figure out, partly or wholly, what is being communicated over the encrypted channel. This sometimes requires a considerable amount of effort. To safeguard against such attacks, it's important to realize that an attacker does not spend more effort into an attack than what is expected to be gained by the attack. By storing massive amounts of sensitive data centrally or controlling massive amounts of devices from one point, you increase the value of the target, increasing the interest of attacking it. On the other hand, by decentralizing storage and control logic, the interest in attacking a single target decreases since the value of each entity is comparatively lower. Decentralized architecture is an important tool to both mitigate the effects of attacks and decrease the interest in attacking a target. However, by increasing the number of participants, the number of actual attacks can increase, but the effort that can be invested behind each attack when there are many targets also decreases, making it easier to defend each one of the attacks using standard techniques.

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