Chapter 9. Going Further

Well, you made it this far. So, if you built the hardware and the software in the previous chapters, and had your new best friend (the carpenter) help you with the installation, then you are well on your way to having a terrific integrated security system.

So where do we go from here?

Well, here are a few suggestions to make your system even better.

In this chapter, we will see some additional devices and sensors that can be added to your system. Most of these devices connect to the BeagleBone through USB interfaces and speak ASCII.

An RFID reader

You can easily build an RFID reader using parts available from SparkFun electronics.

The carrier board connects to the BeagleBone through a USB cable, and will be seen by the operating system as a simple serial device.

An RFID reader

RFID reader (image is CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)

You plug your RFID module into the board, and when an RFID device is passed by the reader, the serial number is sent to the BeagleBone through USB, through the ASCII text. All you need to do now is look up the serial number in a database, either on the BeagleBone or a host computer, and if required, grant access to the location.

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