Gradle's in-built plugins

Gradle provides different in-built plugins to automate the build process. Gradle not only provides different plugins to build a project, but also provides plugins to test the project, for code analysis, for IDE support, for web container support, and so on.

The following are some of the frequently used plugins in different categories. You will find more details on core plugins in the Gradle documentation at

Build and Test plugins

These plugins also support the testing features to execute Junit and TestNG tests:

  • The Java plugin
  • The Groovy plugin
  • The Scala plugin
  • The War plugin

Code analysis plugins

The following are the code analysis plugins:

  • The Checkstyle plugin
  • The FindBugs plugin
  • The Sonar plugin
  • The Sonar Runner plugin
  • The PMD plugin

IDE plugins

The following are IDE plugins:

  • The Eclipse plugin
  • The IDEA plugin

These are some of the frequently used plugins. Apart from the core plugins, you can also find third-party plugins at It allows the publication of binary plugins with the support of the Gradle Plugin Publishing plugin. Consider spending some time learning how to publish a plugin and how to use the Plugin Publishing plugin. In the following chapters, we will learn a few core plugins. In the next section, we will explore the Java plugin.

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