Property management

We cannot make a software available on different operating systems, or different environments without configuring it dynamically. One approach to configure software is by using the properties file or environment properties. The following are the different ways Gradle provides to configure properties to build.gradle:

  • ext closure
  • Command line
  • Custom properties file

ext closure

We saw many examples in Chapter 3, Managing Task, of adding custom properties to a project using the ext closure. Thus, we will not discuss the topic in this chapter.

Gradle provides a default mechanism of reading the properties file using You can add the file in any of the following locations:

  • <USER_HOME>/.gradle: defined under this directory would be accessible to all the projects. You can use this file to define global properties and you can access these properties using $project.<propertyname>. If you have defined GRADLE_USER_HOME to some other directory, then Gradle will skip the <USER_HOME>/.gradle directory and will read from the GRADLE_USER_HOME directory. By default <USER_HOME>/.gradle would be considered to read the file. If properties are defined in <USER_HOME>/.gradle/, but are not set by the user, it leads to an exception. If this is not desired, such properties should be checked using the hasProperty method of project, and if not set, it should be initialized with a default value. This property file may also be used for storing passwords.
  • <ProjectDir>: defined under this directory would be accessible to the current project. You cannot access these properties from any other project. So, all the project-specific properties can be defined in the project's file.

    Along with project-level properties, you can also define system-level properties in the file. To define system-level properties, you can append properties with systemProp. So systemProp.sProp1=sVal1 will set sProp1 as a system-level property with the value sVal1.

We will see an example in the next section.

The command line

You can define runtime properties on the command line also using the -P and -D options. Using -P, you can define project-specific properties. Using -D, you can define system-level properties. To access system-level properties, you can use['<propertyname>'].Note that, command line properties override When you configure properties in multiple places, the following order applies and the last one gets the highest priority:

  • in project build dir.
  • in Gradle user home.
  • System properties set on the command line.

The Custom properties file

You might want to use the custom filename for your properties file, for example, or To use the custom properties, simply read the file using FileInputStream and convert it to the properties object:

task showCustomProp << {
  Properties props = new Properties()
  props.load(new FileInputStream(""))
  println props
  println props.get('loginKey1')

The preceding code will read the file, and the first println statement will print all the properties while the second println statement will display the value of the loginKey1 property.

Let's take a look at a comprehensive example. We will create one file in the <USER_HOME>/.gradle directory and another file in the project directory:





Here is our build script, Chapter6/PropertyExample/Proj1/build.gradle:

task showProps << {
  println "local property "+Proj1Prop1
  println "local property "+Proj1Prop2
  println "local property via command line: "+projCommandProp1
  println "global property "+globalProp1
  println "global property "+globalProp2
  println "System property "['sysProp1']
  println "System property via command line: "['sysCommandProp1']

Now, execute the following command:

$gradle -PprojCommandProp1=projCommandVal1-DsysCommandProp1=sysCommandVal1 showProps

local property Proj1Val1
local property Proj1Val2
local property via command line: projCommandVal1
global property globalVal1
global property globalVal2
System property sysVal1
System property via command line: sysCommandVal1


Here, you can see that the first two lines contain the properties defined in the project's file. The third line shows the property, which the user initialize with the -P option. The fourth and fifth lines show the properties defined in <USER_HOME>/.gradle/ The sixth line shows the system properties defined in the project's file, and finally, the example shows the system property passed in the command line using the -D option.

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