Wi-Fi control

Although a highlight of the EV3 set over the older NXT is that it is advertised to be Wi-Fi capable, this is something of an exaggeration. There is a USB port that allows you to insert a Wi-Fi dongle. The current versions of the firmware do not allow compatibility with many dongles. The Wi-Fi dongle recommended by LEGO is the only one I could find that would actually work. Additionally, you will need to design your robot so the dongle does not protrude from your robot in an awkward way. In the following image, you can see that I have a Wi-Fi dongle resting just above the motor. You could also use an angled USB adaptor, so your dongle does not protrude out of the side of the robot.

Wi-Fi control

In addition to only a few choices for the Wi-Fi dongle, you need to make sure that you can successfully communicate with your router. In the preceding screenshot, you can see the Netgear WNA1100 dongle, sold by LEGO. For ease of use, you may want to set your router up without encryption or with WPA2 encryption. You should not have to enter the passcode directly onto the brick. If that is the case, you may need to change the encryption level on your wireless router. Even if your computer is on the network, you will still need to select the network through the EV3 software, as you can see in the following screenshot:

Wi-Fi control

I found that, once properly set up, the speed of communication is faster than Bluetooth, but this is a significant factor only with large programs. The main benefit of using Wi-Fi is the increased range of communication. With Bluetooth, you are limited to several feet, whereas with Wi-Fi, you are only limited by the range of the network.

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