Defining the properties of the tower

The basic characteristics of a tower can be summarized as follows:

  • It will have a specified range
  • It will fire at one or more enemies that enter its range
  • It will do one or more kinds of damage to its enemies
  • It will cost money to build or upgrade, and can be sold

Based on these characteristics, we shall define the following properties for a tower in our game:

  • Physical damage
  • Magical damage
  • Speed damage
  • Range of fire
  • Rate of fire
  • Cost to build

These properties are varied enough to build a simple yet interesting game. With the help of a skilled level designer, you can even make the player enjoy hours of satisfying gameplay.

Let's quickly take a look at the XML structure that is defined to accommodate the data for the towers in this game:


  <TowerDataSet bullet_name="TD_bullet01.png" is_lightning="false" is_rotating="true">
    <TowerData sprite_name="TD_t01gun01.png" range="1.5" physical_damage="10" magical_damage="0" speed_damage="1.0" speed_damage_duration="0" fire_rate="1.5" cost="100" />
    <TowerData sprite_name="TD_t01gun02.png" range="2" physical_damage="25" magical_damage="0" speed_damage="1.0" speed_damage_duration="0" fire_rate="1.0" cost="175" />
    <TowerData sprite_name="TD_t01gun03.png" range="3" physical_damage="30" magical_damage="0" speed_damage="1.0" speed_damage_duration="0" fire_rate="0.5" cost="250" />

The root element of this XML document is titled TowerDataSetList, which defines a list of TowerDataSet tags. A TowerDataSet tag represents nothing but the various levels or upgrades that a given tower can possess. For this game, I have defined that each tower will possess three levels or upgrades, each defined within a TowerData tag. The various attributes from the XML file are summarized in the following table:






This is the name of the sprite for the bullet shot by this tower



This is true if this tower will shoot a bolt of lightning



This is true if the tower's sprite will rotate towards its target



This is the name of the sprite for this tower



This is the range for this tower, in multiples of tile size



This is the physical damage this tower will do to an enemy



This the magical damage this tower will do to an enemy



This is the amount by which this tower will slow down an enemy



This is the duration for which this tower will slow down an enemy



This is the interval at which this tower will fire



This is the cost to build/upgrade this tower

For Pumpkin Defense, I used this architecture to create just three towers (with three upgrades each): one that does physical damage, one that does magical damage, and one that slows down the enemy for a given period of time. This information is stored in the tower_data.xml file inside the source bundle for this chapter. Incidentally, I gave the magical tower a cool ability of casting a lightning bolt at enemies.

All these properties are parsed and stored inside structs TowerDataSet and TowerData inside our global data class GameGlobals. Let's take a quick look at the declaration of these structures, starting with TowerDataSet in the GameGlobals.h file:

struct TowerDataSet
  char bullet_name_[256];
  bool is_lightning_;
  bool is_rotating_;
  vector<TowerData*> tower_data_;

  TowerDataSet() : is_lightning_(false),
    sprintf(bullet_name_, "%s", "");

    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_TOWER_UPGRADES; ++i)
      delete tower_data_[i];

As you'd expect, the TowerDataSet structure mirrors the TowerDataSet tag. It contains a char array to store the bullet name and two flags to represent if this tower will rotate towards an enemy or if this tower will shoot bolts of lightning instead of bullets.

Finally, you will see a vector holding pointers to the TowerData objects. Let's glance at the TowerData structure from GameGlobals.h:

struct TowerData
  char sprite_name_[256];
  float range_;
  float physical_damage_;
  float magical_damage_;
  float speed_damage_;
  float speed_damage_duration_;
  float fire_rate_;
  int cost_;

  TowerData() : range_(0.0f),
    sprintf(sprite_name_, "%s", "");

Once again, the TowerData structure is a mirror image of the TowerData tag. Its members are identical to the attributes of the TowerData tag detailed in the preceding code and hence we will skip discussing them.

What is important to note is that our static class GameGlobals maintains a vector named tower_data_sets_ containing pointers to TowerDataSet objects. When the game is launched, the LoadData function from GameGlobals is called and the tower_data.xml file is parsed to fill up the tower_data_sets_ vector with the relevant information. Whenever the player creates a new tower, that tower reads all its properties from one of the objects within this vector.

In a similar way, let's define the properties of the enemy.

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