Chapter 1. Apache Spark

Apache Spark is a distributed and highly scalable in-memory data analytics system, providing the ability to develop applications in Java, Scala, Python, as well as languages like R. It has one of the highest contribution/involvement rates among the Apache top level projects at this time. Apache systems, such as Mahout, now use it as a processing engine instead of MapReduce. Also, as will be shown in Chapter 4, Apache Spark SQL, it is possible to use a Hive context to have the Spark applications process data directly to and from Apache Hive.

Apache Spark provides four main submodules, which are SQL, MLlib, GraphX, and Streaming. They will all be explained in their own chapters, but a simple overview would be useful here. The modules are interoperable, so data can be passed between them. For instance, streamed data can be passed to SQL, and a temporary table can be created.

The following figure explains how this book will address Apache Spark and its modules. The top two rows show Apache Spark, and its four submodules described earlier. However, wherever possible, I always try to show by giving an example how the functionality may be extended using the extra tools:

Apache Spark

For instance, the data streaming module explained in Chapter 3, Apache Spark Streaming, will have worked examples, showing how data movement is performed using Apache Kafka and Flume. The MLlib or the machine learning module will have its functionality examined in terms of the data processing functions that are available, but it will also be extended using the H2O system and deep learning.

The previous figure is, of course, simplified. It represents the system relationships presented in this book. For instance, there are many more routes between Apache Spark modules and HDFS than the ones shown in the preceding diagram.

The Spark SQL chapter will also show how Spark can use a Hive Context. So, a Spark application can be developed to create Hive-based objects, and run Hive QL against Hive tables, stored in HDFS.

Chapter 5, Apache Spark GraphX, and Chapter 6, Graph-based Storage, will show how the Spark GraphX module can be used to process big data scale graphs, and how they can be stored using the Titan graph database. It will be shown that Titan will allow big data scale graphs to be stored, and queried as graphs. It will show, by an example, that Titan can use both, HBase and Cassandra as a storage mechanism. When using HBase, it will be shown that implicitly, Titan uses HDFS as a cheap and reliable distributed storage mechanism.

So, I think that this section has explained that Spark is an in-memory processing system. When used at scale, it cannot exist alone—the data must reside somewhere. It will probably be used along with the Hadoop tool set, and the associated eco-system. Luckily, Hadoop stack providers, such as Cloudera, provide the CDH Hadoop stack and cluster manager, which integrates with Apache Spark, Hadoop, and most of the current stable tool set. During this book, I will use a small CDH 5.3 cluster installed on CentOS 6.5 64 bit servers. You can use an alternative configuration, but I find that CDH provides most of the tools that I need, and automates the configuration, leaving me more time for development.

Having mentioned the Spark modules and the software that will be introduced in this book, the next section will describe the possible design of a big data cluster.


In this section, I wish to provide an overview of the functionality that will be introduced in this book in terms of Apache Spark, and the systems that will be used to extend it. I will also try to examine the future of Apache Spark, as it integrates with cloud storage.

When you examine the documentation on the Apache Spark website (, you will see that there are topics that cover SparkR and Bagel. Although I will cover the four main Spark modules in this book, I will not cover these two topics. I have limited time and scope in this book so I will leave these topics for reader investigation or for a future date.

Spark Machine Learning

The Spark MLlib module offers machine learning functionality over a number of domains. The documentation available at the Spark website introduces the data types used (for example, vectors and the LabeledPoint structure). This module offers functionality that includes:

  • Statistics
  • Classification
  • Regression
  • Collaborative Filtering
  • Clustering
  • Dimensionality Reduction
  • Feature Extraction
  • Frequent Pattern Mining
  • Optimization

The Scala-based practical examples of KMeans, Naïve Bayes, and Artificial Neural Networks have been introduced and discussed in Chapter 2, Apache Spark MLlib of this book.

Spark Streaming

Stream processing is another big and popular topic for Apache Spark. It involves the processing of data in Spark as streams, and covers topics such as input and output operations, transformations, persistence, and check pointing among others.

Chapter 3, Apache Spark Streaming, covers this area of processing, and provides practical examples of different types of stream processing. It discusses batch and window stream configuration, and provides a practical example of checkpointing. It also covers different examples of stream processing, including Kafka and Flume.

There are many more ways in which stream data can be used. Other Spark module functionality (for example, SQL, MLlib, and GraphX) can be used to process the stream. You can use Spark streaming with systems such as Kinesis or ZeroMQ. You can even create custom receivers for your own user-defined data sources.

Spark SQL

From Spark version 1.3 data frames have been introduced into Apache Spark so that Spark data can be processed in a tabular form and tabular functions (like select, filter, groupBy) can be used to process data. The Spark SQL module integrates with Parquet and JSON formats to allow data to be stored in formats that better represent data. This also offers more options to integrate with external systems.

The idea of integrating Apache Spark into the Hadoop Hive big data database can also be introduced. Hive context-based Spark applications can be used to manipulate Hive-based table data. This brings Spark's fast in-memory distributed processing to Hive's big data storage capabilities. It effectively lets Hive use Spark as a processing engine.

Spark graph processing

The Apache Spark GraphX module allows Spark to offer fast, big data in memory graph processing. A graph is represented by a list of vertices and edges (the lines that connect the vertices). GraphX is able to create and manipulate graphs using the property, structural, join, aggregation, cache, and uncache operators.

It introduces two new data types to support graph processing in Spark: VertexRDD and EdgeRDD to represent graph vertexes and edges. It also introduces graph processing example functions, such as PageRank and triangle processing. Many of these functions will be examined in Chapter 5, Apache Spark GraphX.

Extended ecosystem

When examining big data processing systems, I think it is important to look at not just the system itself, but also how it can be extended, and how it integrates with external systems, so that greater levels of functionality can be offered. In a book of this size, I cannot cover every option, but hopefully by introducing a topic, I can stimulate the reader's interest, so that they can investigate further.

I have used the H2O machine learning library system to extend Apache Spark's machine learning module. By using an H2O deep learning Scala-based example, I have shown how neural processing can be introduced to Apache Spark. I am, however, aware that I have just scratched the surface of H2O's functionality. I have only used a small neural cluster and a single type of classification functionality. Also, there is a lot more to H2O than deep learning.

As graph processing becomes more accepted and used in the coming years, so will graph based storage. I have investigated the use of Spark with the NoSQL database Neo4J, using the Mazerunner prototype application. I have also investigated the use of the Aurelius (Datastax) Titan database for graph-based storage. Again, Titan is a database in its infancy, which needs both community support and further development. But I wanted to examine the future options for Apache Spark integration.

The future of Spark

The next section will show that the Apache Spark release contains scripts to allow a Spark cluster to be created on AWS EC2 storage. There are a range of options available that allow the cluster creator to define attributes such as cluster size and storage type. But this type of cluster is difficult to resize, which makes it difficult to manage changing requirements. If the data volume changes or grows over time a larger cluster maybe required with more memory.

Luckily, the people that developed Apache Spark have created a new start-up called Databricks, which offers web console-based Spark cluster management, plus a lot of other functionality. It offers the idea of work organized by notebooks, user access control, security, and a mass of other functionality. It is described at the end of this book.

It is a service in its infancy, currently only offering cloud-based storage on Amazon AWS, but it will probably extend to Google and Microsoft Azure in the future. The other cloud-based providers, that is, Google and Microsoft Azure, are also extending their services, so that they can offer Apache Spark processing in the cloud.

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