Performance tuning

It is important to monitor the Spark application error and the standard output logs in the Spark web user interface if you see errors like the following:

05-15 13:55:38.176   6375   Thread-10 ERRR: Out of Memory and no swap space left from

If you encounter instances where application executors seem to hang without response, you may need to tune your executor memory. You need to do so if you see an error like the following in your executor log:

05-19 13:46:57.300   10044  Thread-11 WARN: Unblock allocations; cache emptied but memory is low:  OOM but cache is emptied:  MEM_MAX = 89.5 MB, DESIRED_CACHE = 96.4 MB, CACHE = N/A, POJO = N/A, this request bytes = 36.4 MB

This can cause a loop, as the application requests more memory than is available, and so waits until the next iteration retries. The application can seem to hang until the executors are killed, and the tasks re-executed on alternate nodes. A short task's run time can extend considerably due to such problems.

Monitor the Spark logs for these types of error. In the previous example, changing the executor memory setting in the spark-submit command removes the error, and reduces the runtime substantially. The memory value requested has been reduced to a figure below that which is available.

  --executor-memory 85m
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