
In closing this chapter, I would invite you to work your way through each of the Scala code-based examples in the following chapters. I have been impressed by the rate at which Apache Spark has evolved, and I am also impressed at the frequency of the releases. So, even though at the time of writing, Spark has reached 1.4, I am sure that you will be using a later version. If you encounter problems, tackle them logically. Try approaching the Spark user group for assistance (), or check the Spark website at

I am always interested to hear from people, and connect with people on sites such as LinkedIn. I am keen to hear about the projects that people are involved with and new opportunities. I am interested to hear about Apache Spark, the ways that you use it and the systems that you build being used at scale. I can be contacted on LinkedIn at:

Or, I can be contacted via my website at, or finally, by email at: .

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