AWS billing

Please note that, once you have the Databricks system installed, you will start incurring the AWS EC2 storage costs. Databricks attempts to minimize your costs by keeping EC2 resources active for a full charging period. For instance if you terminate a Databricks cluster the cluster-based EC2 instances will still exist for the hour in which AWS bills for them. In this way, Databricks can reuse them if you create a new cluster. The following screenshot shows that, although I am using a free AWS account, and though I have carefully reduced my resource usage, I have incurred AWS EC2 costs in a short period of time:

AWS billing

You need to be aware of the Databricks clusters that you create, and understand that, while they exist and are used, AWS costs are being incurred. Only keep the clusters that you really require, and terminate any others.

In order to examine the Databricks data import functionality, I also created an AWS S3 bucket, and uploaded data files to it. This will be explained later in this chapter.

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