
TinkerPop, currently at version 3 as of July 2015, is an Apache incubator project, and can be found at http://tinkerpop.incubator.apache.org/. It enables both graph databases ( like Titan ) and graph analytic systems ( like Giraph ) to use it as a sub system for graph processing rather than creating their own graph processing modules.


The previous figure (borrowed from the TinkerPop website) shows the TinkerPop architecture. The blue layer shows the Core TinkerPop API, which offers the graph processing API for graph, vertex, and edge processing. The Vendor API boxes show the APIs that the vendors will implement to integrate their systems. The diagram shows that there are two possible APIs: one for the OLTP database systems, and another for the OLAP analytics systems.

The diagram also shows that the Gremlin language is used to create and manage graphs for TinkerPop, and so for Titan. Finally, the Gremlin server sits at the top of the architecture, and allows integration to monitoring systems like Ganglia.

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