Installing H2O

For completeness, I will show you how I downloaded, installed, and used H2O. Although, I finally settled on version 0.2.12-95, I first downloaded and used 0.2.12-92. This section is based on the earlier install, but the approach used to source the software is the same. The download link changes over time so follow the Sparkling Water download option at

This will source the zipped Sparkling water release, as shown by the CentOS Linux long file listing here:

[hadoop@hc2r1m2 h2o]$ pwd ; ls -l
total 15892
-rw-r--r-- 1 hadoop hadoop 16272364 Apr 11 12:37

This zipped release file is unpacked using the Linux unzip command, and it results in a sparkling water release file tree:

[hadoop@hc2r1m2 h2o]$ unzip

[hadoop@hc2r1m2 h2o]$ ls -d sparkling-water*

I have moved the release tree to the /usr/local/ area using the root account, and created a simple symbolic link to the release called h2o. This means that my H2O-based build can refer to this link, and it doesn't need to change as new versions of sparkling water are sourced. I have also made sure, using the Linux chmod command, that my development account, hadoop, has access to the release:

[hadoop@hc2r1m2 h2o]$ su -
[root@hc2r1m2 ~]# cd /home/hadoop/h2o
[root@hc2r1m2 h2o]# mv sparkling-water-0.2.12-92 /usr/local
[root@hc2r1m2 h2o]# cd /usr/local

[root@hc2r1m2 local]# chown -R hadoop:hadoop sparkling-water-0.2.12-92
[root@hc2r1m2 local]#  ln –s sparkling-water-0.2.12-92 h2o

[root@hc2r1m2 local]# ls –lrt  | grep sparkling
total 52
drwxr-xr-x   6 hadoop hadoop 4096 Mar 28 02:27 sparkling-water-0.2.12-92
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root   root     25 Apr 11 12:43 h2o -> sparkling-water-0.2.12-92

The release has been installed on all the nodes of my Hadoop CDH clusters.

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