Creating a build pipeline for the Angular app

Angular applications are a bit different than ASP.NET Core applications in whatever needed to create a release and deploy it. Here are the steps you need to take to build the Everyday Market frontend so that we can later deploy it to Azure:

  1. Create a new build pipeline in your Azure DevOps project and click on the use the visual designer option. 
  2. Select the source for your project files. The Everyday Market files can be found in
  3. Add a new npm task to the agent tasks list:

The text in this screenshot is not important. The steps indicated in the screenshot will guide you on how to go about it.
  1. Select the npm task and change Command to install. Set the package.json path to the correct location:

  1. Add another npm task to install the Angular CLI. Change Command to custom and set the Command and arguments field to install -g @angular/cli:

  1. Add a Command Line Script task and write the script that will build the Angular, app ng build --prod --output-path="$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)dist":


  1. Finally, add a Publish Artifact task. Set the Path to publish field to $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)dist and the Artifact name to dist:

The text in this screenshot is not important. The purpose of this screenshot is to show you how to configure the Publish Artifact task.
  1. To enable Continuous Integration (CI) so that the build pipeline will run every time there's a change, go to the Triggers tab and check Enable continuous integration:

  1. Save the build pipeline.

Next, you will create a release pipeline to deploy to the Azure App Service you created.

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