Step 3—MySQL database schema setup

Create a default database schema using the following scripts, and insert some users:

create table users(
username varchar(75) not null primary key,
password varchar(150) not null,
enabled boolean not null
create table authorities (
username varchar(75) not null,
authority varchar(50) not null,
constraint fk_authorities_users foreign key(username) references users(username)

Insert data into the preceding tables using the following scripts:

insert into users(username, password, enabled)
values('admin', '$2a$04$lcVPCpEk5DOCCAxOMleFcOJvIiYURH01P9rx1Y/pl.wJpkNTfWO6u', true);
insert into authorities(username, authority)
insert into users(username, password, enabled)
values('user', '$2a$04$nbz5hF5uzq3qsjzY8ZLpnueDAvwj4x0U9SVtLPDROk4vpmuHdvG3a', true);
insert into authorities(username,authority)

The password is one-way hashed using online tool To compare the password we will use PasswordEncoder (Bcrypt).

Credentials are as follows:

  • User = admin and password = admin@password
  • User = user and password = user@password
It's important to note that, even though the role is named ROLE_ADMIN, the actual name is ADMIN, and this is what our code will be using while passing.
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