Custom WebFilter namely JWTAuthWebFilter

Our custom WebFilter, named JWTAuthWebFilter, is entrusted with converting the JWT token received into appropriate classes that the Spring Security understands. It makes use of a converter named JWTAuthConverter, which does a number of things, as follows:

  • Gets the authorization payload
  • Extracts the token by discarding the Bearer string
  • Verifies the token
  • Creates a UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken class understood by Spring Security

The code snippet below shows the JWTAuthWebFilter class and its important method which does operations listed above.

public class JWTAuthConverter implements Function<ServerWebExchange,             
Mono<Authentication>> {
public Mono<Authentication> apply(ServerWebExchange serverWebExchange) {
return Mono.justOrEmpty(serverWebExchange)
.filter(token -> !token.isEmpty())

After this conversion, it does the actual authentication using Spring Security, which sets SecurityContext in the application, as shown in the following code snippet:

public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange exchange, WebFilterChain chain) {
return this.getAuthMatcher().matches(exchange)
.filter(matchResult -> matchResult.isMatch())
.flatMap(matchResult -> this.jwtAuthConverter.apply(exchange))
.flatMap(token -> authenticate(exchange, chain, token));
//..more methods
private Mono<Void> authenticate(ServerWebExchange exchange,
WebFilterChain chain, Authentication token) {
WebFilterExchange webFilterExchange = new WebFilterExchange(exchange, chain);
return this.reactiveAuthManager.authenticate(token)
.flatMap(authentication -> onAuthSuccess(authentication,
private Mono<Void> onAuthSuccess(Authentication authentication, WebFilterExchange
webFilterExchange) {
ServerWebExchange exchange = webFilterExchange.getExchange();
SecurityContextImpl securityContext = new SecurityContextImpl();
return, securityContext)
.onAuthenticationSuccess(webFilterExchange, authentication))

The JWTAuthWebFilter class filter method does the necessary conversions and then the authenticate method does the actual authentication, and finally calls the onAuthSuccess method.

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