Implementing a controller

To make it separate from our existing functional-based programming, we have created a new controller that will expose some of the methods in a RESTful way, using the newly created ReactiveMovieRepository:

public class MovieController {
private ReactiveMovieRepository reactiveMovieRepository;
public Flux<Movie> getAllMovies() {
return reactiveMovieRepository.findAll();
public Flux<Movie> getAllMoviesByGenre(@PathVariable String genre) {
return reactiveMovieRepository.findByGenre(genre);
public Flux<Movie> getAllMoviesByTitleAndGenre
(@PathVariable String title, @PathVariable String genre) {
return reactiveMovieRepository.findByTitleAndGenre(title, genre);
public Mono<Movie> createMovies(@Valid @RequestBody Movie movie) {

The class is quite straightforward; each method has appropriate mapping and uses corresponding repository classes to actually do the job.

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