Installing Hyperledger Fabric 1.3 using Docker

There are many ways to download the Hyperledger Fabric platform; Docker is the most used method. You can use an official repository. If you're using Windows, you'll want to use the Docker Quickstart Terminal for the upcoming terminal commands.

If you're using Docker for Windows, follow these instructions:

  1. Consult the Docker documentation for shared drives, which can be found at, and use a location under one of the shared drives. 
  2. Create a directory where the sample files will be cloned from the Hyperledger GitHub repository, and run the following commands:
$ git clone -b master
  1. To download and install Hyperledger Fabric on your local machine, you have to download the platform-specific binaries by running the following command:
$ curl -sSl | bash -s 1.1.0

The complete installation guide can be found on the Hyperledger site:

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