Accessing Hyperledger Composer

The online Hyperledger Composer Playground enables us to explorer Hyperledger components without any installation. The following steps will guide you through a tour of the online Composer Playground:

  1. Let's access the site at the following link: As we can see in the following screenshot, the home page opens with a splash page:
  1. When you click the Let's Blockchain! button, you'll reach the next page, which works as a dashboard:

On this page, you have the option of using the tutorial, which takes you through a very detailed step-by-step process. This is great for exploring Hyperledger Composer. For now, let's move on.

  1. Click on the Get Started link. After a few loading screens, you'll be taken to the editor, where you'll be able to create your own blockchain network:

In our case, we'll have two participants and one asset, which can be a token that has a value. The idea will be to move this asset and the value between the participants of the network.

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