Generating and exporting participant business cards

To use the network properly, we will create one participant for each class (Factory, Warehouse, Transporter, Store, and Consumer), generate their respective business cards, and import them into a Composer CLI Wallet:

  1. First, we will create the participants:
$ composer participant add -c admin@food-safety-b10407 -d '{"$class":"com.packtpublishing.businessnetwork.foodsafety.Consumer","identifier":"5","name":"Consumer"}'
Participant was added to participant registry.

Command succeeded

$ composer participant add -c admin@food-safety-b10407 -d '{"$class":"com.packtpublishing.businessnetwork.foodsafety.Store","identifier":"4","name":"Store"}'
Participant was added to participant registry.

Command succeeded

$ composer participant add -c admin@food-safety-b10407 -d '{"$class":"com.packtpublishing.businessnetwork.foodsafety.Transporter","identifier":"2","name":"Transporter"}'
Participant was added to participant registry.

Command succeeded

$ composer participant add -c admin@food-safety-b10407 -d '{"$class":"com.packtpublishing.businessnetwork.foodsafety.Warehouse","identifier":"3","name":"Warehouse"}'
Participant was added to participant registry.

Command succeeded

$ composer participant add -c admin@food-safety-b10407 -d '{"$class":"com.packtpublishing.businessnetwork.foodsafety.FoodFactory","identifier":"1","name":"Factory"}'
Participant was added to participant registry.
Command succeeded
  1. Then, we will issue an identity and import their respective business cards with the following command:
composer identity issue -c admin@food-safety-b10407 -f <name of the output file for the card> -u <participant name> -a <participant class# Participant id>
  1. Repeat this command for each participant: Transporter 1Store 1, Warehouse 1, and Factory 1.
$ composer identity issue -c admin@food-safety-b10407 -f consumer.card -u "Consumer" -a "resource:com.packtpublishing.businessnetwork.foodsafety.Consumer#1"
Issue identity and create Network Card for: Consumer

√ Issuing identity. This may take a few seconds...

Successfully created business network card file to
Output file: consumer.card

Command succeeded

  1. Import each card into the Composer CLI wallet for each participant/card generated and check that all cards have been imported successfully:
$ composer card import -f consumer.card 
Successfully imported business network card
Card file: consumer.card
Card name: Consumer 1@food-safety-b10407

Command succeeded

$ composer card list
The following Business Network Cards are available:
Connection Profile: hlfv1
Card Name UserId Business Network
Factory 1@food-safety-b10407 Factory food-safety-b10407
Warehouse 1@food-safety-b10407 Warehouse food-safety-b10407
Store 1@food-safety-b10407 Store food-safety-b10407
Consumer 1@food-safety-b10407 Consumer food-safety-b10407
Transporter 1@food-safety-b10407 Transporter food-safety-b10407
admin@food-safety-b10407 admin food-safety-b10407
PeerAdmin@hlfv1 PeerAdmin

Issue composer card list --card <Card Name> to get details a specific card

Command succeeded
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