Hardware setup

To assemble this monitoring device, we will apply a couple of assumptions that might be pertinent to a production environment:

  • The transporting vehicle has a Wi-Fi connection available so that the device can connect to the internet
  • The monitoring device time is synchronized with the application time, including the time zone
  • All boxes are transported at the same time, using the same vehicle, so that the same conditions and measurements apply to all boxes in a pallet

In a production-level application, these restrictions/assumptions have to be handled with techniques such as caching non-published events and using different network providers (Sigfox, LoRAWan, mobile connections, and so on), and the actual time must be synchronized with the device's location.

The parts that are used in this project are shown here:

This image was created with Fritzing and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0; see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

The description of each component is given in the following table. You should be familiar with them, given that they are a subset of what was used in Chapter 2, Creating Your First IoT Solution:




Intel Edison module 


Intel Edison Arduino breakout board


Grove Base Shield v2


Grove Temperature Sensor v1.2


Grove universal 4-pin cable


Given these assumptions, the device that's used in this application is connected, as shown in the following diagram. Here, we have attached the Grove Temperature Sensor to the A3 connection jack in the Base Shield:

This image was created with Fritzing and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0; see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

This completes the device that will monitor food box transportation.

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