Creating a FoodBox

As per the permissions we've granted, factories can create FoodBoxes. Let's see how:

  1. Find the Factory 1 @food-safety-b10407 business card and select the  Connect now option. Then, click on Test at the top left of the screen.
  2. In the left-hand panel, select Assets -> FoodBox, and in the upper-right corner, click on + Create New Asset:

  1. Fill up the JSON with the following content and create the asset using the Create New button:
"$class": "com.packtpublishing.businessnetwork.foodsafety.FoodBox",
"foodBoxIdentifier": "2015",
"assetTrackingInformation": [],
"measureTrackingInformation": [],
"owner": "resource:com.packtpublishing.businessnetwork.foodsafety.FoodFactory#1"

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