
In this chapter, you gained an understanding of the importance of key technologies such as cloud computing, the IoT, and blockchain in the context of Industry 4.0.

Cloud computing is a computing model that provides low-cost, scalable, and self-service technology adoption, creating an environment that is suitable for creating innovative business models. 

The IoT is more than an automation toolkit, and can be placed as a framework for data collection and creating a digital context that is similar to the real-world context; it creates a digitized reality context, simulating the same conditions as the real world. 

Blockchain enables lean production lines by simplifying the process of decentralization and helps companies to focus on their strengths, without spending time and money on tasks that do not generate aggregated value for the final product.

In the next chapter, we will look at best practices and lessons learned from previous projects that address some problems we faced and how those issues were addressed.

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