Selecting a good use case

Before we start any blockchain project, an important step is to select a good use case. We often see cases that can be solved through a distributed database or even a web application with good permission access.There is a puzzle to be cracked:

  • Is a business network involved?
  • Is there a transaction that needs validation or a consensus?
  • Are audit trails important, or origin control?
  • Immutability (data)
  • Finality (fewer disputes)

Make sure to draw a map with different organizations on, or a business network and how they are connected—this is a very important step. Moreover, check the use case addresses one or more attributes listed between the second and fifth points. If you don't have more than one of the attributes listed between the second and fifth points, then it probably does not fit with the blockchain solution.

It's a good idea to have a think tank or design thinking session when selecting a use case.

This table demonstrates a good use case for different industries:

Financial Institutions
Cross Industries and Others
  • Credit letter
  • Credit debit or bond
  • Consortium shared ledger
  • First party medical claims processing
  • Scheduled personal property claims processing


  • Loyalty points
  • Capital asset management
  • Identity management
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