Kotlin and regular expression

In Kotlin, regular expressions are represented by the Regex class from the kotlin.text package. Instances of this class are immutable, and we can create a new one by using one of the following constructors:

public actual constructor(pattern: String) : this(Pattern.compile(pattern))

public actual constructor(pattern: String, option: RegexOption) : this(Pattern.compile(pattern, ensureUnicodeCase(option.value)))

public actual constructor(pattern: String, options: Set<RegexOption>) : this(Pattern.compile(pattern, ensureUnicodeCase(options.toInt())))

RegexOption is an enum that we can use to specify any additional options. This defines the following objects:

  • IGNORE_CASE: You can use this if you need to ignore a string
  • MULTILINE: This is a line terminator or the end of the input sequence, and it must be used just after or just before ^ and $ subexpressions
  • LITERAL: This ignores all special symbols and metacharacters
  • UNIX_LINES: With this, only the   means a line terminator
  • COMMENTS: This allows you to use white space and comments in the pattern
  • DOT_MATCHES_ALL: This allows the . subexpression to match any character
  • CANON_EQ: This enables special equivalence by canonical decomposition

We can also use the toRegex() extension function to create a new instance:


We can also use the containsMatchIn method that returns true if the regular expression can find at least one match in the specified input.

We can use these functions as follows:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

The output is as follows:


Another useful method is split, which allows you to split an input into a list of substrings. This method can be used as follows:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

The following is the output:

[abc, abc, abc]
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