Defining the for loop 

The following points are necessary to create a for loop:

  • Declare a range with a start and end point. Ranges are defined with two dots, .., for example, var range = 1..3
  • With a for loop, create a variable and assign a range with in operator. 
  • Define a code block that will execute a task:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var range = 1..3
for (i in range) {
println("value of $i")

On the first iteration, the for loop initializes the i variable with the first value of the range, and on each iteration the next value from the range will be assigned to i

Any object that has an iterator function implemented can be used inside a for loop, for example, range, list, array, and so on.

With each iteration, the for loop assigns the next member from the range, which can be utilized as a normal member variable. In this example, each value from the range is printed on the screen:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val list = listOf(1,2,3,4)
for (l in list){
println("value of $l")

val message = "kotlin is awesome"
for (m in message){

The for loop with ranges and iterator will be discussed in Chapter 5, Data Collection, Iterators, and Filters.

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