
Kotlin provides a collection of elements with a start and end point. This collection is called a range. The quickest way to create a range is as follows:

val range = 1..10

Kotlin provides a two-dot operator (..) to create a range. In the preceding example, we successfully created a range of integers that starts from 1 and ends at 10. Once the range has been created, we can iterate over and access each element using a for loop:

val range = 1..10
for (value in range){

We can also check whether a specific value is within a range by using the in and !in operators:

val range = 1..10
if(4 in range){
println("Yes within Range")

if(14 !in range){
println("Not in Range")

If range contains specified value, 4 in range will return true and the if block will be executed. Otherwise, it will be skipped.

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