Calling the Java collection in Kotlin

Create a method in Java that returns an arrayList of integers:

public static ArrayList<Integer> getIntList(){

ArrayList<Integer> integers = new ArrayList<>();

return integers;

getIntList returns an array that contains three elements. Call this function in Kotlin to access the list and add more elements in it:

var list = CallJava.getIntList()
//var list: ArrayList<Int> = CallJava.getIntList()

for (element in list) {
println("Element $element")

CallJava.getIntList() returns ArrayList, which can be assigned to a list type of variables. We explicitly declare the type of the list by using the ArrayList<Int> name:

var list: ArrayList<Int> = CallJava.getIntList()

Alternatively, we can directly assign a list to the variable and Kotlin will figure out the list type by itself:

var list = CallJava.getIntList()

We can treat this as a normal immutable list and we can add or remove elements.

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