Serialization and Kotlin support

In this section, we will look at the kotlinx.serialization library. This consists of three parts:

  • Plugin 
  • Compiler
  • Library

To make a class serializable, we should mark it with the @Serializable annotation:

data class Person(
val id: Int = 0,
val first_name: String,
val last_name: String,
val phones: List<String> = listOf()

We can serialize an instance of this class to JSON by using the following code:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println(JSON.stringify(Person(first_name = "Igor", last_name = "Kucherenko")))

The output looks like this:


We can deserialize JSON by using the following code:

val jsonPerson = """{"id":0,"first_name":"Igor","last_name":"Kucherenko","phones":[]}"""

The output looks like this:

Person(id=0, first_name=Igor, last_name=Kucherenko, phones=[])

The following example code demonstrates that we can work with lists without any problem:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val jsonPerson = JSON.stringify(Person(first_name = "Igor", last_name = "Kucherenko", phones = listOf("+34434344343", "+33434344242")))

This is the output:

Person(id=0, first_name=Igor, last_name=Kucherenko, phones=[+34434344343, +33434344242])

If you want to print JSON in a classic pretty-printed multiline style, you can use the following code:

val jsonPerson = JSON.indented.stringify(Person(firstName = "Igor", lastName = "Kucherenko", phones = listOf("+354445545454", "+433443343443")))

The output looks like this:

"id": 0,
"firstName": "Igor",
"lastName": "Kucherenko",
"phones": [

You can also use the @SerialName annotation for overriding a property name. The following example code shows a case such as this:

data class Person(
val id: Int = 0,
@SerialName("first_name") val firstName: String,
@SerialName("last_name") val lastName: String,
val phones: List<String> = listOf()

The firstName and lastName properties will look like first_name and last_name in JSON. To serialize and deserialize this in an instance of this class, we will use the following code:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val jsonPerson = JSON.indented.stringify(Person(
firstName = "Igor",
lastName = "Kucherenko",
phones = listOf("+354445545454", "+433443343443")))

The following is the output:

"id": 0,
"first_name": "Igor",
"last_name": "Kucherenko",
"phones": [
Person(id=0, firstName=Igor, lastName=Kucherenko, phones=[+354445545454, +433443343443

We can also use custom serializers and deserializers. Let's say that we want to serialize an instance of the Person class to JSON that contains the name property instead of first_name and last_name. For this, we can create our own saver, which may look as follows:

val saver = object : KSerialSaver<Person> {
override fun save(output: KOutput, obj: Person) {
data class JSONPerson(val id: Int, val name: String, val phones: List<String>)
output.write(JSONPerson(, "${obj.firstName} ${obj.lastName}", obj.phones))

We can also use this object like this:

val jsonPerson = JSON.indented.stringify(saver, Person(
firstName = "Igor",
lastName = "Kucherenko",
phones = listOf("+354445545454", "+433443343443")))

The following is the output:

"id": 0,
"name": "Igor Kucherenko",
"phones": [
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