Asynchronous control flow

Most of the constructs we've looked at so far are used for synchronous code, where statements are evaluated sequentially, with each line completing before the next one begins:

const someValue = getSomeValue();

Code like this is straightforward. We intuitively understand that these two lines of code will run one after the other. There is also an assumption that neither of these lines will take very long to execute, probably taking no more than a few micro- or milliseconds. 

But what happens if we wish to bind to a user Event or fetch some remote data? These are things that take time and will only complete when some future Event occurs. In a less kind universe, there would be no way to deal with such scenarios other than simply waiting for them to complete and then continuing the execution of our program:


In this unkind universe, fetchSomeData() would be a blocking function call, so named because it would block the execution of all other code until it finally completes. This means that we wouldn't be able to carry out any other vital tasks, and our application would essentially be at a standstill state until the task is completed, negatively affecting the user experience.

Thankfully, JavaScript gives us a nicer universe than this—one in which we can initialize a task, such as fetching data, and then continue on with the rest of our program while that task is running. Such tasks are named asynchronous because they occur and complete non-synchronously, at a later time than now. When they do finally complete, JavaScript can helpfully notify us of this fact, calling whatever code depends upon the completion of that task.

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