Architectural design patterns

Architectural design patterns are the ways in which we tie our code together. If we have a dozen different modules, it is how those modules talk to each other that defines our architecture.

The architectural design patterns utilized in JavaScript code bases have changed massively over recent years. With the steady proliferation of popular frameworks such as React and Angular, we've seen code bases take on new conventions. The landscape is still very much shifting, so we shouldn't expect any specific standard to emerge any time soon. Nonetheless, most frameworks tend to follow the same broad architectural patterns.

An example of a popular architectural pattern is the separation of data logic and rendering logic. This is famously adopted by many different UI frameworks, albeit with different styles. This is likely due to the heritage of software UI and the early established pattern of MVC that eventually became the de facto approach.

In this section, we'll be covering two famous architectural design patterns, MVC and its offshoot, Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM). Together, these should give us an awareness of the types of concerns that are typically separated and will hopefully inspire us to seek a similar level of clarity in the architectures we create.

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