MVC is characterized by a separation between these three concepts. An MVC architecture may involve many individual Models, Views, and Controllers that all work in concert to solve a given problem. Each of these parts can be described as follows:

  • The Model: This describes the data and how business logic mutates that data. Changes in the data will manifest in changes to the View.
  • The View: This describes how the Model is rendered (its format, layout, and appearance) and will invoke the Controller whenever there is an action that needs to occur, possibly in response to a user event.
  • The Controller: This accepts instructions from the View and informs the Model what actions or changes to carry out, which will go on to affect whatever is rendered to the user via the View.

We can observe the flow of control in the following diagram:

The MVC pattern provides us with a way to separate our various concerns. It prescribes where we should put logic about business decisions (that is, in Models) and where we should put logic about displaying things to the user (that is, Views). Additionally, it gives us the Controller, which enables these two concerns to talk to each other. The separation that MVC fosters is hugely beneficial as it means our fellow programmers can easily discern where to make required changes or fixes.

MVC was originally posed in 1978 by Trygve Reenskaug while working at Xerox PARC. Its original purpose was to support the user's illusion of seeing and manipulating the domain information directly. At the time, this was quite revolutionary, but we now, as end users, take such UIs (and their transparent relation to their data) for granted.
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