When to use the Constructor pattern

The Constructor pattern is useful in scenarios where you wish to have an abstraction that encapsulates the concept of a noun, that is, a thing that would make sense to have an instance of. Examples may include NavigationComponent or StorageDevice. The Constructor pattern allows you to create abstractions akin to traditional OOP classes. So, if you're coming from a classical OOP language, then you can feel free to use the Constructor pattern where you may have previously used classes.

If you're not sure whether the Constructor pattern is applicable, consider whether the following questions are true:

  • Is the concept expressible as a noun?
  • Does the concept require construction?
  • Will the concept vary between instances?

If the concept you're abstracting does not fulfill any of the preceding criteria, then you may want to consider another modular design pattern. An example of this may be a utility module that has various helper methods. Such a module may not require construction since it is essentially a collection of methods, and these methods and their behaviors would not vary between instances.

The Constructor pattern has largely fallen out of favor since the introduction of class definitions into JavaScript, which allow you to declare classes in a fashion much more akin to classical OOP languages (that is, class X extends Y {...}). Skip ahead to The Class pattern section to see this in action!
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