Cargo culting tools and libraries

Just as code can be mindlessly copied, so can tools. As JavaScript programmers, we are exposed to a quickly shifting landscape of tools and libraries. Every month, a new utility or tool seems to be released. The excitement and hyperbole that surrounds some of these tools creates fertile ground for cargo cults to erupt. Programmers may start to use these new tools, convinced of their merit, without building a full understanding of them or properly considering their suitability for the project at hand. Tools may be prescribed by companies or managers, with non-programmers and programmers alike weighing in based purely on a tool's popularity or novelty, without considering how it actually works or how it differs from the current approach.

The cult in cargo cults tends to be a very persuasive force, telling us that if we just use this approach or tool, all our problems will be solved. Naturally, this rarely comes to pass. We may only end up exchanging our current set of problems for a new set of problems. So, when deciding upon a tool, whether it is a framework, library, or any third-party abstraction or service, we should always use a considered approach where we ask ourselves the following key questions:

  • Suitability: Is it the most suitable tool for the problem at hand?
  • Reliability: Does it work reliably and will it continue to do so?
  • Usability: Is it simple to use and is it well documented?
  • Compatibility: Does it integrate well with the existing codebase?
  • Adaptability: Is it adaptable to our changing needs?

To avoid cargo culting, we should try to abstain from anecdotes and hearsay, instead preferring detailed comparative analyses in which we compare and contrast various possibilities to find the most suitable. 

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