Chapter 1. Frameworks Make Life Easier

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Why frameworks are so good
  • Main frameworks for iPhone development
  • Installing the iUI framework
  • Installing the UiUIKit framework
  • Installing the XUI framework
  • Installing the iWebKit framework
  • Installing the WebApp.Net framework
  • Installing the PhoneGap framework
  • Installing the Sencha Touch framework
  • Installing the Apple Dashcode framework


Many web applications implement common features independent of the final purpose for which they have been designed. Functionalities and features such as authentication, forms validation, retrieving records from a database, caching, logging, and pagination are very common in modern web applications. As a developer, surely you have implemented one or more of these features in your applications more than once. Good developers and software engineers insist on concepts, such as modularity, reusability, and encapsulation; as a consequence you can find a lot of books, papers, and articles talking about how to design your software using these techniques. In fact, modern and popular methodologies, such as Extreme Programming, Scrum, and Test-driven Development are based on those principles. Although this approach sounds very appealing in theory, it might be complicated to carry it out in practice.

Developing any kind of software from scratch for running in any platform is undoubtedly a hard task. Complexity grows up when the target platform, operating system, or machine has its own specific rules and mechanisms. Some tools can make our job less complicated but only one kind of them is definitely a safe bet. It is here when we meet frameworks, a set of proven code that offers common functionality and standard structures for software development. This code makes our life much easier without reinventing the wheel and gives a skeleton to our applications, making sure that we're doing things correctly. In addition, frameworks avoid starting from scratch once more. From a technical point of view, most frameworks are a set of libraries implementing functions, classes, and methods.

Using frameworks, we can save time and money, writing less code due to its code skeleton, and features implemented on it. Usually, frameworks force us to follow standards and they offer well-proven code avoiding common mistakes for beginners. Tasks such as testing, maintenance, and deployment are easier to do using frameworks due to the tools and mechanisms included. On the other hand, the learning curve could be a big and difficult drawback for beginners.

Through this chapter, we'll learn how to install the main frameworks for JavaScript, HTML, and CSS development for iPhone. All of them offer a base to develop applications with a consistent and native look and feel using different methods. While some of them are focused on the user interface, others allow using AJAX in an efficient and easy way. Even some frameworks allow building native applications from the original code of the web application. We have the chance to choose which is better to fulfill our requirements; it is even possible to use more than one of these solutions for the same application. For our recipes, we'll use the following frameworks:

  • iUI: This is focused on the look and feel of iPhone and consists of CSS files, images, and a small JavaScript library. Its objective is to get a web application running on the device with a consistent interface such as a native application. This framework establishes a correspondence between HTML tags and conventions used for developing native applications.
  • UiUIKit: Using a set of CSS and image files, it provides a coherent system for building web applications with a graphic interface such as native iPhone applications. The features offered for this framework are very similar to iUI.
  • XUI: This is a pure JavaScript library specific for mobile development. It has been designed to be faster and lighter than other similar libraries, such as jQuery, MooTools, and prototype.
  • iWebKit: This is developed specifically for Apple's devices and is compatible with CSS3 standard; it helps to write web applications or websites with minimum HTML knowledge. Its modular design supports plugins for adding new features and we can build and use the themes for UI customization.
  • WebApp.Net: This framework comes loaded with JavaScript, CSS, and image files for developing web application for mobile devices that uses WebKit engine in its web browsers. Besides building interfaces, this framework includes functionality to use AJAX in an easy and efficient way.
  • PhoneGap: This is designed to minimize efforts for developing native mobile applications for different operating systems, platforms, and devices. It is based on the WORE (Write once, run anywhere) principle and it allows conversion from a web application into a native application. It supports many platforms and operating systems, such as iOS, Android, webOS, Symbian, and BlackBerry OS.
  • Sencha Touch: This is a complete mobile web framework based on HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS standards for developing Android and iOS-based applications. It has been developed by Sencha — the owner company of the popular JavaScript framework Ext JS.
  • Apple Dashcode: Formally, this is a software development tool for Mac OS X included in Leopard and Snow Leopard versions, and focused on widget development for these operating systems. However, the last versions allow you to write web applications for iPhone and other iOS devices offering a graphic interface builder.
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