
There we have it! In this chapter we covered a wide range of things. We started by uploading a game to a web server using an FTP client. We then integrated Facebook into the game, allowing players to log into their account and post level scores to their walls. We then implemented analytics using Flurry to track how players are playing the game. Finally, we briefly spoke about making money off our games through sponsorship.

Now that you have completed this book, you should have a very solid foundation to build your own games. We started by exploring the GameMaker: Studio interface and building the simplest of games. We took a look at creating art and audio so that we could improve the quality of our games. We then focused on using the GameMaker Language to code several games. We started with a simple side-scrolling shooter that demonstrated the basics of scripting. We then built upon that knowledge by creating an adventure game with multiple rooms and enemies on paths. We learned how to better structure our games and improve our scripting efficiency in our platforming boss fight. From there we moved onto using Box2D physics to create a simple tower toppling game, which we then polished into a full game with a full frontend, particle effects, Facebook integration, and Flurry Analytics.

GameMaker: Studio still has plenty more to offer and new features are constantly being added. It's up to you to use all of this acquired knowledge to make games of your own design. Have fun exploring the possibilities of the HTML5 platform and get your games out there. I wish you luck!

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