Chapter 4. The Adventure Begins

In this chapter, we will create a fun little action adventure game that will build upon our foundational knowledge. We will start with an animated player character that can navigate the world and has a short range melee attack. The game world will consist of multiple rooms, and the player will be able to move from one room to another while keeping all their stats. We will place all the code for the player controls and deal with wall collision in a single script to create a more efficient project.

As can be seen in the next screenshot, the theme of this game is the horrors of high school, and there will be three enemies in the world with basic artificial intelligence: a Ghost Librarian, a Brawl, and a Coach. The Ghost Librarian will appear if the player approaches its resting place and will chase the player until it gets too far away, and then return to where it came from. The Brawl will wander through the room on a path, and if it spots the player, it will increase in size and velocity. The Coach is the protector of trophies and will navigate the world on its own. If it sees the player it will pursue while avoiding walls and other Coaches, and if it is close enough it will melee attack the player.

The Adventure Begins

Creating animated characters

So far, the player objects we have created have been very basic. In Chapter 1, Getting to Know the Studio with Your First Game, the player had no animation. In Chapter 3, Shoot 'em Up: Creating a Side-scrolling Shooter, the ship had animation, but always faced to the right. In this chapter, we are going to have a character that can move in four directions and have an animated sprite for each direction. We will also implement a melee attack that can be used in the direction the character is facing.

Simplifying the character movement

There are four separate sprites necessary for the player character's walk cycle. We will walk through the first one and then you can create the other three.

  1. Let's start by creating a new project called Chapter_04.
  2. Create a Sprite and name it spr_Player_WalkRight.
  3. Load Chapter 4/Sprites/ Player_WalkRight.gif with Remove Background checked.
  4. Set Origin to Center.
  5. Click on Modify Mask to open the Mask Properties editor, and select the radio button of Full image under Bounding Box. The will set the collision box to be the entire sprite as shown in the following screenshot:
    Simplifying the character movement
  6. Click on OK. Repeat this process to load spr_Player_WalkLeft, spr_Player_WalkUp, and spr_Player_WalkDown.
  7. Create an Object, obj_Player, and assign spr_Player_WalkRight as the Sprite. It actually doesn't matter which of the player sprites we set here, as we will be using code to change what sprite is being displayed.
  8. We need to set up some initial variables, so create a new Script, scr_Player_Create, and write the following code:
    mySpeed = 4;
    myDirection = 0;
    isAttacking = false;
    isWalking = false;
    health = 100;
    image_speed = 0.5;

    The first two variables are placeholders for the speed and direction of the player. This will be useful as we can affect these values without affecting the object's local mySpeed and myDirection variables for things, such as a knockback effect in which the object would be facing one direction while moving in the other. The variable isAttacking will be used to indicate when we have initiated combat, and isWalking will indicate when the player is moving. Next, we have the global variable health, which is set to 100 percent. Finally, we set the animation speed at 50 percent, so that the walk cycle plays properly.


    To know more about GameMaker: Studio's built-in variables and functions, check out the GameMaker User Manual by clicking on Help | Contents.

  9. Now we can go onto the player movement. Instead of having multiple scripts for each key, we are going to simplify the code by placing all the controls into a single script. Create a new Script, scr_Player_Step, and we will start with the following code:
    isWalking = false;
    if (keyboard_check(vk_right) && place_free(x + mySpeed, y))
        x += mySpeed;
        myDirection = 0;
        sprite_index = spr_Player_WalkRight;
        isWalking = true;

    We start by setting isWalking to false, so that it becomes the default state of what the player is doing. After that we are checking whether the keyboard has the right arrow key (vk_right), currently pressed down, and we check whether there is a solid object to the right of the current position. The place_free function will return whether the specified point is collision free. If the player is able to move and the key is pressed, we then move to the right and set the direction to zero to indicate right. We change the sprite to the right facing walk cycle, and then we change isWalking to true, which will overwrite the first line of code where we set it to false.

  10. Repeat this code for each of the remaining three directions and adjust accordingly. Each one should look at what key is being held, and see if there is any collision ahead from that position.
  11. We have one more thing to do before the movement controls are complete. If the player is not moving, we want the animation to stop and start playing again once it starts moving. At the end of the script, add the following code:
    if (isWalking == true)
        image_speed = 0.5;
    } else {
        image_speed = 0;

    We created the variable isWalking to switch between a walking and stopped state. If the player is moving, the sprite will animate. If the player isn't moving, we stop the animation as well.

    The code should look like the following when it is complete:

    isWalking = false;
    if (keyboard_check(vk_right) && place_free(x + mySpeed, y))
        x += mySpeed;
        myDirection = 0;
        sprite_index = spr_Player_WalkRight;
        isWalking = true;
    if (keyboard_check(vk_up) && place_free(x, y - mySpeed))
        y -= mySpeed;
        myDirection = 90;
        sprite_index = spr_Player_WalkUp;
        isWalking = true;
    if (keyboard_check(vk_left) && place_free(x - mySpeed, y))
        x -= mySpeed;
        myDirection = 180;
        sprite_index = spr_Player_WalkLeft;
        isWalking = true;
    if (keyboard_check(vk_down) && place_free(x, y + mySpeed))
        y += mySpeed;
        myDirection = 270;
        sprite_index = spr_Player_WalkDown;
        isWalking = true;
    if (isWalking == true)
        image_speed = 0.5;
    } else {
        image_speed = 0;
  12. Apply these scripts to the appropriate events, a Create event for scr_Player_Create, and a Step event for scr_Player_Step.

    The player is ready to move and animate properly, but we won't be able to fully test out the code without adding in some solid obstacles. Let's make a wall.

  13. Create a new Sprite, spr_Wall, load Chapter 4/Sprites/Wall.png, and uncheck Remove Background. We are using a PNG file, as this wall is slightly transparent which will be useful later when we decorate the room.
  14. Create a new Object, obj_Wall, and set the sprite to spr_Wall.
  15. Check the box for Solid. The wall is now identified as being a collidable object.
  16. Create a new Room and name it Sandbox. We will use this room for testing out features.
  17. Place a single instance of obj_Player somewhere in the center of the room.
  18. Place instances of obj_Wall around the perimeter of the room, and add a few extra sections as can be seen in the following screenshot:
    Simplifying the character movement
  19. Run the game. The player at this point should be able to move around the room freely in the open areas, and stop when they collide with a wall.

Implementing a melee attack

Now that we have the player movement functioning we can move onto the attack. The attack we are creating needs to only affect objects in front of the player character. To achieve this we will create a melee attack object that will spawn on command and remove itself from the game on its own.

  1. Create a Sprite, spr_Player_Attack, and load Chapter 4/Sprites/Player_Attack.gif with Remove Background checked. This is an animated Sprite that will represent a swinging melee attack.
  2. We want the collision area to affect the entire height of the sprite, but not the entire width. Click on Modify Mask and in the Mask Properties editor, select the radio button for Manual under Bounding Box.
  3. Adjust the Bounding Box values for Left: 0, Right: 24, Top: 0 and Bottom: 4. The end result should look like the following screenshot. Click on OK.
    Implementing a melee attack
  4. We want this object to always spawn in front of the player. One of the easiest ways to ensure this is to have this object rotate along with the player. To achieve this, set Origin to X: -16 Y: 24. Setting the X coordinate off to the left means that this object will have a 16 pixel offset when spawned. We can then rotate the attack to match the player's direction.
  5. Create an Object, obj_Player_Attack, and assign spr_Player Attack as its Sprite.
  6. Set Depth to -100. Depth determines whether an instance of an object is drawn on-screen behind or above another object. Setting it to a negative value means that it will draw on top of any object with a higher depth value. Setting the value to -100 allows us to have other objects with depths between the default 0 and -99 without needing to worry about readjusting things later.
  7. Create a new Script, scr_Player_Attack_Create with the following code:
    image_angle = obj_Player.myDirection;
    image_speed = 0.3;
    alarm[0] = 6;
    obj_Player.isAttacking = true;

    Here is where we rotate the image to face the same direction as the player, which with the offset origin we set means it will be in front of the player. We also slow the animation speed down and set an alarm for six frames. This alarm will remove the attack object when it goes off. Finally we tell the player that it is attacking.

  8. Add a Create event in obj_Player_Attack and attach this script.
  9. Let's move onto the alarm script, scr_Player_Attack_Alarm. It will not only need to remove the attack, but it also needs to let the player know that it is gone and that they can attack once again. We only need two lines of code to do all this:
    obj_Player.isAttacking = false;

    We can talk directly to the player's isAttacking variable and set it back to false. Then we destroy the instance of the melee attack. Attach this script to an Alarm 0 event.

  10. All we need to do now is to get the player to spawn an instance of the attack. Reopen scr_Player_Step and at the bottom, add the following code:
    if (keyboard_check_pressed(ord('Z')) && isAttacking == false)
        instance_create(x, y, obj_Player_Attack);

    The keyboard_check_pressed function only activates on the actual pressing down action of a key, as opposed to being in the down position, and in this case, we are checking for the Z key. There are no special commands for the various letters on the keyboard, so we need to use the ord function that returns the corresponding ASCII code for the character it has been passed. We also check to see if the player is currently not attacking already. If that is all true, we spawn the attack, and that attack will change the isAttacking variable to true, so that this only happens once.


    When using the ord function, always use capital letters, or it may give the wrong number!

  11. Run the game. You should be able to tap the Z key and see the distinctive swinging motion in front of the player no matter which way the character is facing as shown in the following screenshot. The player is now ready for battle!
    Implementing a melee attack
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