About the Reviewers

Anutosh Ghosh loves coding, but has worked extensively only in the world of PHP and its associated stuff, for over 5 years now. He has some good knowledge on Magento, and has worked upon the integration of Magento Web Services with SAP for more than 2.5 years. He is trying hard to figure out the jargon of Java, as well, among other stuffs. However, he likes to venture out into other technologies as and when he gets time.

He enjoys spending his free time by watching cool movies and singing regional songs. However, he loves to poke his blunt nose in some forums and Stack Overflow, from time-to-time.

Jacek Ksiazek is an amateur photographer, constantly exploring the secrets of the traditional black and white photography.

He is a homegrown guitarist, industrial, and a prog rock fan.

He works as an advertising specialist and graphic designer.

You can follow him online at http://jaxxx.info/.

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